Third-year V

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As soon as Draco woke up, he scanned the infirmary for someone.

Remus laid in the other bed of their small room with a peaceful look on his face and bandages around his chest.

His pants were covered in blood and some went on the white sheets.

Draco sat up, ignoring his body's protests, and went near the other's bed.

He gripped Remus' wrist to make sure he was there, he was alive.

He found a pulse.

He sighed in relief and sat on the edge of the bed.

About one minute later Madam Pomfrey entered the room.

She smiled warmly at Draco and checked Remus' vitals before changing the potion in the IV.

«How is he?» asked Draco, worried.

«He's fine, you took him here just in time» she replied.

«Now let me do a little check up on you and then go shower. You're still in time to go to some classes today»

After making sure everything was fine with him, she directed him towards the small bathroom connected to their room.

«Madam Pomfrey?» Draco stopped at the door and hesitantly asked the healer.

«Yes, dear?»

«Could you... teach me some healing spells?» the woman smiled brightly at him.

«Of course dear. Now go shower, we'll decide about our lessons in the afternoon» Draco nodded with a small smile on his lips and finally walked into the bathroom.


Draco knew he wouldn't see Remus when he walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but he surely wasn't expecting to see Professor Snape sitting at the teacher's desk.

Nevertheless, he kept a blank face and went to his seat.

«Professor Lupin won't be able to come to classes today» Draco tried not to flinch but it was hard when someone talked with such venom about the man he sent to the hospital wing just that morning.

«He has left me no notes on the topics covered so far...» before he could continue Harry Potter opened the classroom door.

«I'm sorry, professor Lupin, for being late...» he said between deep breaths, but when he looked at the teacher's desk he froze.

«Class started ten minutes ago, Potter, so I suppose I should take ten points from Gryffindor. Now sit»

Potter didn't move.

«Where's Professor Lupin?» he asked.

«He said he was too ill to teach,» said Snape with a crooked smile.

He surely told you while unconscious, thought Draco.

«I thought I told you to sit»

Potter stayed where he was.

«What does he have?»

«Nothing deadly» replied the potion teacher, looking like he wished it was so.

«Five points less for Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you one more time to sit, they'll be fifty» finally, Potter walked towards his desk.

«Like I was saying before Potter interrupted, Professor Lupin has left me no notes on the topics covered so far...»

«Sir, we have done Boggarts, Red Caps, Kappa and Grindylows,» said Granger quickly. «and we were about to begin...»

«Shut up,» said Snape coldly. «I didn't ask you for information. I was just commenting about the lack of organization of Professor Lupin»

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