~29. End...~

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A/N: BIG AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER (to not annoy anyone who doesn't wanna read it). ANYWAY, TYSM FOR THE SUPPORT STILL!!
Also, since its been a while, some things may be off compared to past chapters (im too lazy to read them and know what im doing), but its not that bad :0

[Art by me! Just some old concept art this time so you have it in mind ;)]

Enter world

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"Took you some sweet time to come, huh?" (just like the author with writing this book ahahahsjasgdhjgfjah)

"It's not our fault you went here. Without telling us. And taking the eye of ender with you", replied A6d with a slightly annoying tone, but glad to see his friend was fine nonetheless. "So.... Are you gonna explain to us what is going on?"

Before Skeppy could say anything, Techno stood up from the pile of rocks and diamonds the team made when entering the cave, and brushed off some dust on him.

"Looks like now the fight is more even................................. Heh, just kidding"

With his sword swinging in the air, he struck against the trio (hah, bet u haven't heard THAT word in a while lmao). The confusion of this messy reunion had them a bit distracted, but they were still able to dodge the impact by just a bit.

Nodding and signaling to each other with the head, the team separated and went to different parts of the cave in a hope to confuse Techno. However, that's not possible with the blood god. Even if the dust and smoke from the constant movement and explosions made it hard to see from more than some meters away from you, his red eyes shined in the middle of the cave.

Two goons suddenly appeared next to him and went off to chase the new intruders, while Techno himself went to deal with the withered hero

Bad, who was hiding behind a rock, tried shooting against the copy, but it dodged every single muffin he threw and had no other option than run. "It's impossible to hit them! They are *huff* they are insanely fast--", he exclaimed right before tripping over his face. The goon was right about to stab him when A6d teleported to his side and moved him out of the way.

"GUYS-". Skeppy wasn't in an easier situation. Even with the help of his friends, he was still beaten up, and his energy wouldn't last long. Then, he had an idea
He called out for Rocco –who had been fighting with Subs this whole time- and prepared himself to move fast. Once Rocco was next to him, he ran towards Techno with as many diamonds as we could create. The dog was faster and managed to get a bite on Techno's leg, but he didn't even pay much attention.

"Don't forget about the princess of this show", and as he said that, Subs launched herself towards Skeppy. Just like he expected.

Before the small dragon hit him, he whistled and Rocco –who was been a good boi and hasn't stopped biting Techno's leg- made a rough move to run with his owner, making Techno fall in the process. Now, with the diamonds he had created, he managed to make a capsule and captured the dragon inside, just to throw it at the pig too

"NOW", Skeppy screamed as loud as he could. His friends, who had absolutely no idea what he meant by that, just stared in their places (while being bullied by the goons ofc). "RUN, GO TO THE STRONGHOLD"

The first one to move was A6d. Even if Skeppy had been in that cave for hours, it bothered him the reasons why his friend hadn't entered the Stronghold yet... guess it was just a matter of time he dared to enter that place

A6D has made the advancement [Eye Spy]
Badboyhalo has made the advancement [Eye Spy]


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