14. Happy

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Jungkook left the hospital after two days and Taehyung didn't leave his side .


"I can carry that bag hyung. It just consists of my used cloths. It is not at all heavy. Also, my hands and legs are working well!"

"This is the least I could do for you. Also, I informed your appa that you will be on leave this week."

"WHAT? I can't stay away from cooking."

"You can cook as much as you want at home. I will eat everything you make!"

"Dont lie hyung. You never ate the breakfasts and dinners I made for you. And dont forget the number of lunches I sent you. All those would have gone to the garbage. I'm sure about it." Jungkook said with a sad face.

"That was until two days back, ok? Today onwards I will only eat what you prepare."

"Really?" Jungkook's face lit up with a small smile and Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung was doing his best to keep the smile on his own face. It was not at all easy for him to go from the stone hearted, cold faced CEO to the happy faced puppy. But, he wanted to try this atleast to not to let down Jungkook.

They reached home and Taehyung immediately put the used clothes from the bag to laundry. He then changed Jungkook's bedsheets and duvet to fresh ones and added more pillows so as to make Jungkook comfortable. He noted mentally to bring in fresh flowers for the vases.

" Jungkook take a fresh bath. I have filled the tub with warm water. Loosen up your sour muscles and then come to have lunch."

"Did you order the food hyung?"Jungkook asked picking up some fresh clothes to change into.

"No. I will be the chef for today." He said with a determined face.

"Pfftt .. dont joke around hyung."

"What?? I'm serious. I will show you the power of Kim's."

"Sure.. sure!" Jungkook went in to take a good bath. After half an hour he went out of his room to be hit by the smell of burnt food. He went into the kitchen to face an unforgettable sight. Taehyung in his apron and a spoon in his hand was standing in between a huge mess. The dustbin was overflowing with wastes and brunt food. Patches of water, ketchup were on the floor and kitchen table. All the meat and vegetables from the refrigerator were scattered on the table.

"Tae.... were you cooking or having a good fight with all the ingredients? Is this what you meant by the power of Kims?" Jungkook was laughing happily.

"Yaaa dont make fun of me. I didnt know cooking was this tough. I burnt the shrimp and bacon, the rice was overcooked, it looked like porridge and the rice cakes turned out to be too hard... harder than a stone." Taehyung let out a sigh.

"I better take over the kitchen and do the rest"

"That's a really good idea. Oh! Also, the fruit salad that I made was a success even though I added onions into it." Saying this he went to lay down on the couch.


"Tae! Lunch is ready"

"Wow.. how did you prepare a mini feast within such limited time ?"

"Power of a chef" he said with a proud face and puffed up chest.
They had the food happily and were currently resting on the armchairs near the large window.

"Do you like video games hyung?"

"Nah! Not a great fan!"

Jungkook looked out of the large window with a pout.

"What about you?"

"I'm one of the best players out there. Nothing is more addicting than games. If I were not a chef, I would have become a gamer for sure."

"Do you want to play now?"

"YESSS ... do you have games here?"

"No! But I can take you to a place with good games!"


"Yup, let's get ready and go for some games."

Jungkook without wasting a second ran to his room to get ready.

Two souls were trying to adjust with each other and become a shoulder for one another to lean on to.
But, on the other hand evil minds like Hana and Bogum were fuming with anger and disappointment due to their failed plan.

"I won't let him be happy. I will do everything to destroy him completely."


Hey my sweethearts!!

This chapter is just a filler about their happy moments! Hope you like it 💜💜💜

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