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Grace's POV

I threw myself over Billie knowing I had to protect her..  then everything went black..

Billie's POV

I woke up in a hospital.. my ears rang for a minute as I tried to recollect my thoughts and remember what happened. I felt pain in my ribs as I tried to move around looking for someone anyone.. Fin.. Claudia.. Grace.. that's when it hit me. She  was in the car too where was she?! What happened to her?! We were at a red light then all of a sudden there was a crash.. That's all I remember.. 

A few minutes later Finneas and Claudia walked in they both had tears in their eyes as they walked up to me "Oh thank god you're okay!" Finneas said as he hugged me. "Fin-" I said as the hug was hurting me. "Oh sorry" He said chuckling nervously as he sat down in the chair next to my bed and held my hand as he sniffled. "Can someone please explain what happened..?" I asked really confused as to why I was in the hospital. 

"How much do you remember bil?" Claudia asked sitting in the chair on the other side of my bed. "Grace and I were in the car listening to music at a red light on the way to the restaurant when all of a sudden there was a weight on my lap covering me and there was a crash.. then everything went black." I said really confused.

"So while you guys were at the red light.. there was a drunk driver that ran the red light and hit you guys head on.. Grace threw herself over you trying to shield you from the crash." Finneas said as tears ran down his face. "How bad are my injuries?" I asked as tears also ran down my face. "You broke a few ribs and have a lot of bruises but that's about it.." Claudia said with a sad smile on her face.

 "W-Where's Grace?" I ask scared for the answer. "She's in surgery." Finneas said looking down. "W-What happened to h-her how bad is it?" I ask even more scared for those answers. "They won't tell us because we're not immediate family but they found her phone and called every one in her emergency contacts so they should be here soon." Finneas said. "I need to see her I-I need to make sure she's okay!!" I said panicked still crying. "Bil calm down she's going to be okay.. breathe.." He said squeezing my hand as I nod. 

It's been about an hour Finneas went to go get food from Taco bell while Claudia and I watch the office on the hospital tv in my room.  I told her in a minute she needs to go down the hall and look until she finds Grace's room. I can hear yelling and screaming in another room down the hall I decide to ignore it because it's none of my business but I notice the voices stop as a door slams. A few minutes after Claudia went to go find Grace's room so I just continued watching the office.

Grace's POV

I woke up feeling groggy as I'm hit with an insane amount of pain in my right leg. I look around the room and notice I'm in the hospital. I hear a nurse tell someone I'm awake as I see Gage and Jonah walk in my hospital room. The energy between them seemed tense as if they had just had an argument of some sort. "What happened why am I in the hospital?" I asked Gage still being cross with Jonah. "You and Billie were hit by a drunk driver at a red light." He said sitting down next to me and holding my hand. "Is she okay?" I ask. "We don't know we got here a little bit ago and don't know what room she's in." Jonah said quietly. "I didn't ask you Jonah." I said angerly.

 "You're still mad at me?!" He says in shock. "Yes I'm still mad at you. You believed a complete stranger over someone you've worked with and trusted for 3 years and then started talking about my issues behind my back!" I yelled. "Well you are about to be a whole lot more mad at him then you already are." Gage says looking at him coldly. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "He knew that the nurses only called the people in your emergency contacts so.." He trailed off nervously. "So WHAT Gage what did he do?!" I ask impatiently. "He called your family..." He says looking straight at me as my heart drops to my stomach and I feel tears in my eyes.

"H-How could you..?" I ask as I tremble looking up at Jonah. "You could've died they had a right to know." He says looking straight at me. "T-THEY DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW ANYTHING!! YOU KNOW ALL THE HURT THEY PUT ME THROUGH AND YOU C-CALLED THEM?!" I yelled sobbing. 

"YOU COULD HAVE DIED!! YOU NEED TO MAKE UP WITH THEM! YOU NEED THEM!!" He yelled back as I continued to cry. "I DON'T NEED ANYONE JONAH!! I'M FINE ON MY OWN!" I kept yelling as my throat started to hurt. "get out Jonah.." Gage said coldly as he squeezed my hand. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! FINE BUT DON'T COME CRAWLING BACK TO ME APOLOGIZING WHEN YOU REALIZE I WAS RIGHT!" He yelled and left slamming the door behind him. "I-I can't face them.. I-I can't do it Gage.." I said sobbing as he hugged me. "Yes you can I'll be right here the whole time I promise we'll do this together I've got you G." He said wiping the tears off of my face.

It's been a few minutes and we've both calmed down now. "So what happened to my leg?" I asked Gage. "They told us that when the car hit you guys it was in your direction so when you protected Billie with your chest it crushed your leg. If you didn't throw yourself over her you would've died." He explains to me with tears in his eyes. "Don't cry Gage I'm alright I'm alive okay?" I ask as he nods. "They put a metal rod in your leg so you'll be in the hospital for a while and then rehab" He says knowing I hate being dependent on people.

"Ugh that's going to suck I won't be able to lifeguard this summer at all!" I say irritated. "It won't be the same without you." He says with a smile on his face. "It better not be and you better not fall in love with my replacement while I'm gone!" I say as I laugh when I hear a knock on the door. I look over at it watch it open and see Claudia standing there.

"Claudia!!" I say with a smile on my face. "Is Billie okay?! I ask as she walks into the room sitting in the chair Jonah was just sitting in. "Yeah she's been so worried about you since she woke up she told me to look around the halls until I found your room." She says as she chuckles a bit. "How bad are her injuries?" I ask scared for the answer. "She's broken a few ribs and has some bruises but thanks to you shielding her it wasn't that bad." She says smiling at me. "Oh thank god I'm so glad her injuries aren't fatal." I said as I sighed in relief.

 "Have you been crying? Your eyes are all red and so is your face." She asks looking at me. "Yeah Jonah and I just got into a fight it's no big deal.." I say with a sad smile on my face. "Who's Jonah?" She asks confused. "Oh he was just someone I used to work with. This is Gage he's one of my best friends." I said gesturing to him with a smile on my face. "Gage this is Claudia Billie's brother's Girlfriend. We met earlier today before the crash." I said explaining the situation to Gage.

They both said hello and we all talked for a bit before I heard another knock on the door..

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