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*Billie's POV*

I haven't heard from Grace since I lied to her about Sam. I was crying watching Chicago Med because that's something we used to watch together and it made Grace really happy. I get a voice mail from an unknown number. I let it play thinking it was someone from the label when really it was Sam.. 

"Billie what did you tell Grace? She came into the store today and said she hopes we're happy together and that she's going to New York.. What did you tell her please call me back eilish. Her flight is tomorrow." His voice said through the phone.

I immediately called him back.

"What do you mean she's going back to New York?" I asked frantically. "She said she needed to find herself again so she's renting a house in New York for a few months. She came by the store to say her goodbyes." He said sternly.

"What on earth did you tell her Billie? When she came in she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks her eyes were all red and puffy what happened?" He asked. "We fell in love.... She was going to tell me about her feelings but I quickly came up with an excuse and told her we were dating to push her away.. I was scared I didn't want to be broken again.. I didn't really mean it" I said sobbing over the phone to him.

"I get it. I did the same with my girlfriend before we started dating but you need to fix this before she's back in New York if you don't you'll really regret it." He said sounding like he knew what I was going through. "How? She won't even speak to me.." I said as more tears welled up in my eyes. "Go to her apartment. Tell her what happened explain yourself. If she loves you she'll listen." He said.

"Okay thank you Sam." I said as we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I went to my room in the condo to make myself look presentable as fast as I could. "Where are you going Billie?" Finneas asked as I ran to the living room to put on my shoes. 

"To try and fix things with Grace. I really screwed up, she has a flight to New York tomorrow and I need her to stay here.. I really need her to stay here Fin.." I pleaded with him as I finished tying my shoes. 

"Hold on Billie. Breathe. I know you want to fix things but your going to get hurt if you try to drive all upset you're literally shaking. Pull yourself together. You've got this." He said pulling me into a hug. "What if she doesn't forgive me..?" I asked with tears in my eyes looking up at him. "She will.." He said with a sad smile letting me go.

*Time skip*

*Grace's POV*

I had just finished packing my last suit case when I hear a knock on the door. I opened it to see Billie looking like she was about to cry. "You can't leave. I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you leave." She said walking into my apartment and I shut the door behind her. "Well hello to you too stranger." I said sarcastically.

 "I'm not dating Sam I just said that because I was scared to fall in love again, my last relationship didn't go well he was manipulative and I was young and stupid an-" She said way to fast. "Stop." I say and she immediately closed her mouth looking at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Billie I don't care that you're dating Sam you don't have to lie and say that you feel the same way. I just want you to be happy and if he makes you happy that's great and I'm happy for you I really am, but please don't pretend that you feel the same way when you don't." I said as tears pricked my eyes.

"You're not listening Grace.. I-I'm not dating Sam I never was I don't even have his number. I was lying.. I was scared to fall in love again because I didn't want to get hurt again but you aren't going to hurt me. I see that now G.." She said as sobs racked throughout her body and she fell into my arms.

"P-Please don't leave me.. we could go back to L.A together.. you and me. You could meet my parents and we could be happy together. I'm so sorry I lied." She muttered as I squeezed her tight and she cried into my shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere superstar.. I'll cancel the flight." I said with a smile. "There is one thing I want to do before we leave though." I said as I wiped the tears off of her face. I looked down at her and we kissed. Suddenly nothing else mattered.. it was just me and her in that moment together.

"So you'll be mine?" she asked as we pulled away from the kiss. I nodded and she kissed me again.

*The next day*

"So darling I was wondering if you'd want to try and face your fear of the ocean before we leave?" I asked completely expecting her to say no. "um.. we could try.. you'll be there the whole time right?" She asked nervously. 

"Of course I will. I promise to keep your head above the water."

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