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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN!?" I yelled back at her but she still didn't flinch.

"Have you forgotten your hearing device?" She asked sarcastically. One eyebrow twitched. As pinned her more to the wall getting closer with my hands on the side of her face my lips on her ear.

"Don't Bitch with me. Are you trying to trap both of the rich guys?" I said as I tried hard to suppress my anger right now.

"Fuck off!" she said as she pushed me away.

"You think I intended to work in the same company with those Assholes," she said as she came closer this time she tried to poke and back me off as I kept stepping back. "So let me tell you if I would have known a jerk like you would be working at Mshine. I wouldn't have joined it either!" she said as she managed to slam me into the wall. But her statement was offending me.

"So did you join it for Sahil?" I asked her as her eyes changed.



"I'm right then he was the reason." This is said as her eyes went to the floor. "Ahh. Wait. You left your job because he left. Didn't you?" I said as I laughed that how stupid I was.

I took her by her arms as I dragged her out of the club while she was first shocked but then I had to apply my force while she fought.

And then I threw her in the passenger seat while she rebelled. To get out but then I grabbed her. "Move an inch. And then see what I'll do!" I said with my cold eyes, threatening her as she stopped.

"Where are you taking me?" she yelled as I closed her door and sat on my seat. As I rushed the car out of the parking area. She sat in the car with no words and no expression. While I drove rashly.

And then we stopped at the gate. Out of Sahil's building as I walked inside and went in the elevator still dragging her. I struggled to push the button in the elevator not knowing which floor he lives on.

"It's the 24th floor," she said. And I lost myself.

"You have been here?" I asked her my eyebrow twitched as I was out of my control now.

"It was just a file-"

"YOU THINK YOU CAN STILL FOOL ME!" I yelled at her as I banged her at the elevator as the door closed. And I pulled the last 32nd floor.

While finally, she flinched.

"What a-"  I didn't let her finish as I grabbed her both fists and pinned them up at the wall.  As I blocked her legs with mine. She was in a moveless position.

"You slept with him. Didn't you?" I asked her looking straight into her while my craziness was raising every minute.

"I' didn't," she said and I could feel that she was afraid right now.

"You think I'm gonna believe that!" I said as I pushed her harder into the elevator and then pressed the stop button on the elevator as the elevator stopped.

"Then why did you ask?? If you are not gonna believe me why did you ask?" she yelled back at me.

"It's gotta be equal then," I said as I acknowledge the situation. But she was confused.

"Both gotta score one. He slept with you I'll too!!!" I yelled at her as her sight became harder. While my grip on her remained the same.

"Vivaan this isn't fun," she said with a worried face. For the first time, she said my name. "I'm not joking "

"I didn't sleep with him!" she again explained as I looked at her still.

"Where you too toget-? "

"No!! " She cut before I could complete.

"Then why did you quit-"

"I didn't quit because of him. I quit because of Dad!" She yelled again cutting me. As I left my position of blocking her. IDid I goaway?


"When my dad heard that my boss is young in the company. He got insecure! He is very traditionalist! Old fashion! He doesn't even tolerate talking to men!" she explained as this made sense. And I again clicked the start button and the list started to work again as I pulled on the 24th.

"Why are we still going? " She asked me as she looked at me.

And I grabbed her arm and rolled her to the other side with her back in front of me while my lips were at her ears.

"If I ever find you and him in the same sentence. It's not gonna be easy for you" I said to her as she stiffen a little.  And the door open on the 24th floor and I walked in and rang the bell with still my other arm grabbing hers. Dragging her.

As he opened the door. Half naked with another girl inside. He saw me but didn't get bothered but then he noticed her and his eyes widen.


DESIGNATED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now