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"Heer I'm sorry I slipped by mistake. Please open the door." I knocked on Heer's door but she kept ignoring me. I made a mistake. How can I call out Kiya? At that moment.
"Heer!" I kept calling out but no response.

I waited for her for an hour but no reply or no answer. I stood as I walked into my room.


I woke up on my bed, I sat up. No one was in the room.


She didn't come back. I came back to my sense as I walked inside the bathroom and got ready. Today we will be leaving for our Villa. Thankfully! I can't bare this house.

I came downstairs and I saw Heer with her brother in the hallway while all the arrangements in the house were now being removed.

I walked toward where Heer and Manav were and sat beside them. While Heer scouted a little.

"Manav your flight is in two hours. Are you all set?" I asked him and he answered yes. And Heer was doing something on her phone. She instantly stood after she read something in her message board and started to walk away what the hell possibly can it be?

I wanted to run behind her. But calculating that she is ignoring me and Manav is here alone. I sat back.

I called my secretary as he picked up greeting me morning.

"Did you look through things?" I asked him and he denied it.

"Sorry! Sir but the checks are pretty tough this time. It's looking impossible," he said as I cut the phone.

"Vivaan. Your uncle is going to be here today to meet your bride since he couldn't attend the marriage." Mom came from behind as I nodded. My uncle is from my mother's side.

He is a pretty big deal in the house. Since he is a big financial personality in America. He looks after all the money of rich people that transact abroad.

"Hm," I nodded uninterested as I was busy thinking about Heer.

"And I heard you moved back to headquarters?" Mom asked taking a seat as I too sat since she did.

"Yes," I replied as she smiled.

"Good going," she said with a smile as I too passed her a bored twitch of lips and stood and started to leave. Marrying her. Step one is completed.

"By the way, Mom. I and Heer going back today," I said probably referring that we won't be wasting our precious time with post-marriage rituals.

"You can't there is a media party for you both tomorrow. And I just told you uncle is going to be here. To meet his favorite nephew. " She said as I turned to look at her.

"We will come back," I told as I went out and saw Heer bidding get goodbye to Manav, I too jogged there to say farewell.

"We saw you this time I hope you see us next time," I said to him as he smiled.

"Thank you so much," he said as Heer angrily closed the door and the driver started to engine and started to leave. His eye surgery is scheduled and she can't leave because she has a role to play. One that I asked her to.

"We should leave too," I uttered to her as she crossed me and left.
I grabbed her wrist as I darted at her with a tired look.

"I apologized. I said it was a mistake. And it just happened. What is the big deal that you can't forgive me?" I said as I shrugged while the next moment she twisted my arms away with my fingers pushed back in the opposite direction as I went back and back and then she left me.

"What's the big deal? What if I would have said Sahil instead of you saying Kiya?" she said as I was already raging with her actions but her words acted more as fuel.

"Yeah, you can say that, " I said as I stood straight. "But then firstly I would have hanged him and then cut off your tongue," I notified her. I know I'm wrong. But how can she put me on the same line as hers?

"Really that what should I cut off yours?" Heer asked as she walked closer as I grabbed her both arms. I pulled her.

"You are just going to cut the fucking fact of what happened last night," I said and she laughed. I felt her shoes on mine as they were pressing my fingers so hard again! I couldn't control myself and left her as she pulled backward.

"Nothing has changed in me still. So next time you think you can get a hold of me. Remember your missing finger in your leg, " she said as she left while my leg was hurting like hell.

I went into my room and applied ointment on my feet. I heard a voice from the window. I went to the window. And it was Heers. Since her room was just beside me she was talking to someone.

Maybe someone is in the room.


It's nothing Vivaan. It's nothing.

Don't let what Kiya said bother you.

Again Kiya!

It's all because I keep thinking about what she said!




Hey readers sorry the chapter is short but from the next chapter big things are gonna take place.

Please look forward.

And I still need three👍 for a story for Ruby and Rudram.

DESIGNATED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now