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I came down after the luggage arrived in her room and people for cleaning it as I looked around the whole house reviewing Mom's arrangements. I saw that different parts of the house were decorated for different rituals. Since there were three lawns. They were decorated for their reasons. The background lawn one was for all flowered I guess for that haldi thing that happened and then the other poolside one was made of so many mirrors. Around the area. Small and big and different shapes. As I realized it was for that painting on the hand.  And lastly, there was the place where the fire will turn into ashes as I will marry my woman. Making her mine making her forever in my life. The main yard is set up. Along with a set of flowers and tables and stands and other things. Everything was looking perfect. As expected.


"Vivaan what about her family? Won't they be attending too?  You already took the responsibility of marriage. They aren't even going to come and help?" Mom asked as I was scrolling through my phone and I released a sigh. "They aren't here. They are against this marriage." I told her as she was shocked.

"Against?  When their daughter is marrying the most wanted bachelor in the entire country?" she said as she scoffed.

"It's none of your concern"

"Concern? You found yourself a girl. Even talked with her parents yourself and you are saying this is out of my concerns."

"Mom you like ready plates. Why are you bothered? Fulfill your wishes at Rehan's wedding okay?" I said as I stood and left her study room.

"Vivaan! Vivaan!"

I walked out of her room and I went upstairs to my study room. And started to dig into my work.  I called my secretary and I asked him "Did you look thoroughly? No mistakes?"

"Yes sir. "


"Vivaan," I heard a familiar voice as I instantly saw the person. "Where are Dad and Manav shifted? I want to visit them for the last time before marriage."

"They left for states today,"

"What!?" she yelled loudly as I saw her face was red and angered.

"For the treatment,"

"You didn't even bother to ask me Vivaan?"

"It's for their own. And not that you would have disagreed either?"

"Why do you think I wouldn't have? You send them away without asking me once!"

"I don't ask people before doing what I want. It was my decision I made it because I wanted it that way,"

"They are my family!"

"They are our family!"

"No, they are just my family. Just mine," she said as she came inside.

"Where exactly they are? Under whose supervision they are. Give me their number. " She said as she removed her mobile phone.

"I'll check on them myself, "

"No!" she instantly yelled. "Give me now,"

"Leave, Heer. I want silence."

"Vivaan. I'm asking something from you. "

"I said leave." I again gritted as she looked enraged as she left. "Think hundred times of consequence before you do anything," I said as she heard me and left.

Why is she so mad? It's for their good.


Unexpectedly met. Unexpectedly came all the way here. In front of each other.

Heer was sitting right in front of me as half the woman was surrounding her. Some judging and some probably fighting out why did I like her so much. Me the guy who has proven to be someone who ignores girls and women as flies.

And the guys and mom and my family were here at my side. I felt bad for her. But she doesn't even have friends. So unwantedly the future and current wives of my brothers are accompanying her. At her side. I hell worried.

Not for Heer but for them. Here they were applying mehendi on her hands in patterns. As I too was getting her name done on mine. Daadi said even guys must.  The music was engulfing the background as all the rich and royals were sipping their white wine and talking with each other.

My hand was done as I looked at my hand. It was written as Heer in calligraphy. In a tacky design heart.  But doesn't matter her name is beautiful enough.

Now I looked at her whose mehendi still wasn't done. She looked tired while continue sitting in the same position.  I stood and walked toward her as the women there started to look at me in awe, I from my other hand grabbed Heer's arm and made her stand and grabbed her waist with the same one while she was flabbergasted and tried to protect her hand work.

"If it's uncomfortable it's okay. You don't have to do this. " I said to her as she wasn't happy. She wasn't looking happy at all. I guess she still hasn't forgiven me.

"It's not about convenience you have to do this. It's important,"

"Anything worth hurting is worth ending forever." I said to her as we heard giggles and gasps in the surrounding and she looked around that everyone was looking at her. And then I saw Kiya entering the lawn from behind her. She looked at us with broken eyes. But because of the gasping Heer freed herself.

"Anuradha ji at this rate you will soon become daadi," Women rang from behind as the crowd fell in laughter.

"That's offending," I said as I stepped a little back. "I'm careful," I said as everyone laughed again.  And I winked at my beautiful bride and walked to the other side as I grabbed Kiya's hand and dragged her out.
But while I was dragging her I looked behind and saw Heer looking at her.

DESIGNATED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now