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[slight smut]
Oc name: cheyne
(In bed naked)
A bright light shined into the spacious room as Cheyne pulled her girlfriend Winter closer, their skin was both very warm but them being closer together made them even warmer. They haven't told anyone about their relationship since they didn't want that getting in the way of their "duties".

Cheyne looked at winter who was still very asleep, her gray hair slightly in her face which soon enough Cheyne moved out of the way to see her angelic face. She kissed her forehead softly trying not to wake her up, Winter shifted making a moaning sound getting herself even more comfortable.

"Good morning babe." Winter breathed out as she rubbed Cheyne's chest,"I felt you kiss my forehead, you're obsessed." She spoke chuckling.

"Of course, you're irresistible. Your warmth is undeniably comfortable, Especially a different warmth as well." Cheyne gestured to Winter's pussy, they giggled together before passionately kissing each other it soon into lustful urgency they both had.

"Early??" Cheyne questioned as Winter straddled her, "why not? We have a long day ahead of us, why won't we start it with some pleasurable relaxation?" Winter replied, She sucked onto Cheyne's neck giving her a few hickies making them a dark purple as she was doing that Cheyne grouped winter's ass smacking it a few times.

Cheyne was already soaked by the time winter got to her abdomen, winter dragged her pecks of kisses down to the folds of her girlfriends pussy. She gave kitten licks to tease her knowing it made her more aggravated, she made quick movements with her tongue causing Cheyne to arch her back a bit making soft moans fill the room.

Without a warning, winter stuck two of her fingers deep in her creating alluring Maneuvers throughout Cheyne's body. Her breath hitched as winter abused her g spot repeatedly, she let out a loud moan to guide winter that she was doing tremendous job.

Soon, Winter was going at a relentless pace having Cheyne back arching and her hands gripping the sheets like there's no tomorrow. Winter's fingers slipped out momentarily but that somehow helped Cheyne reach her orgasm, she squirted on winter's face.

(No bc the word "squirted/squirt" is so cringe but I didn't want to use anything else😭😭)

Winter made a coquettish grin as she licked Cheyne's juices off her fingers. As Cheyne's orgasm died down, she grabbed winter as she kissed her roughly having her legs wrapped around her.

"I might need this every morning." Cheyne chuckles and so does winter, "and I don't mind doing it every morning." Winter admitted.

"Are you gonna leave me unfulfilled?" Winter grinned, Cheyne rolled over so she was currently ontop. She rubbed winter while she was making out with her, she was already wet but Cheyne rubbing her made it even more wet. She did it a pace that was teasable but also enough to send winter over the edge.

"Oh my god! Right there babe! Oh fuck yes!!" Winter hollered in bliss, just as Winter felt her self edging Cheyne stopped.

"I wanna work magic with my tongue" Cheyne avowed, Winter bit her lip with a soft smile following close behind. Her face hovered over winter's pussy excited for the pleasure and bliss she was about to share with her, now she licked her folds lightly making winter jerk her hips a bit from the sensitivity. Cheyne planned to tease but winter was not having that she guided her head towards her pussy forcefully, she sucked on her clit she shook her head to add some friction instead of using her tongue.

"OH YES- oh shit yes!! Oh my god right there baby!!!" Winter exclaimed, That encouraged Cheyne to go faster while she hit her g-spot with her tongue.

She felt a familiar rush of pleasure come over her and she cummed on her tongue as her legs shook rapidly as she still was cumming in Cheyne's mouth. After the high died down, Cheyne crawled up to winter to give her a peck on the lips.

She stepped out of the bed putting on her silky white robe, "it's never a bad idea to start the day with some fun." Cheyne grinned.

"It's time for breakfast already." Winter applied.

"I already had mine." Cheyne giggled before walking out the room.
This was rushed asf- anyways I hope you enjoyed this sorry if it wasn't good I haven't made a smut in a bit.

Bye baes<3

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