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(imagine w/ some sexual mentions)
Oc: Marina
As Jeff breathed deeper while he did one last thrust before reaching his high having Marina at full bliss he rolled into his back while Marina bit her lip giggling looking over at Jeff.

"How'd you do that?" Jeff questioned, marina took a cigarette lighting it up and taking in a deep inhale then shortly exhaling the smoke.

"Do what babe?" She smirked while getting up to put on a near by robe, Jeff sat gesturing towards her pussy.

"Wrapped your -you know- around my dick on command?" Jeff asked still a little breathless, marina laughed before picking up her panties and putting them back on.

"Just a Ladies trick." Marina confessed, Jeff chuckled before getting up as well.

"Why? Are you mad you finished a little early then expected this time?" Marina interrogated, Jeff swiftly slapped her ass as retaliation.

"No and yes, no;because I like you gripping onto me and yes; because I like giving my babe good pleasure." Jeff admitted, Marina walked up to him giving him a peck.

" You can never disappoint me, even if you lasted 3 minutes; sex with you is heaven." Marina smiled, Jeff grabbed her chin before giving her a passionate kiss.

"Not until it actually happens." Jeff rolls his eyes. Marina smacked his chest, "you know I would let you know if you unsatisfied me."

"And I don't?" Jeff squeezed her ass while waiting for her answer.

"With that hand gesture, you sure don't." Marina smiled and so did Jeff.
This was short and sweet but I hoped you enjoy though!

Bye baes<3

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