Sabre X Negative

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Note: This was with Sabre and Negative while in the Lucas X Positive oneshot. If you are just reading this one and not the other, that is fine, it's not that important to read both of them.

~Sabre's pov~

I walked out of the Rainbow house and saw Lucas talking with Rainbow, we were just about to go outside the walls to get more resources. I checked our supplies yesterday and told Lucas we need to get more resources soon, he has to leave tomorrow so we did it today because I still want Rainbow to heal from me fighting Nightmare a few days ago with the sword he gave me.

I smile and lightly chuckle to myself, just a few days ago I defeated Nightmare but at a cost, two new Steves that were imprisoned inside Nightmare's castle escaped while the building was collapsing. Another reason to get more resources, just in case these Steves are hostile, we need resources to make machines to catch them.

I walk up to Lucas and signal for us to go, after making sure Rainbow will be okay and that he won't cause any trouble we set out to get more resources. We walked through the gates and went on our way to get more supplies, cutting down some trees in our paths and going into any caves we found. We both brought maps so we wouldn't get lost easily and to explore new places and add that to the map for future stuff.

We soon entered a dark oak forest, it was dark but after clearing some trees, it got bright enough for us to see. We walk around the area we cleared until we found a cave that led deep into the ground, I used some wood to make planks to make a simple staircase into the cave, there were lots of ores inside and it went down deep but we didn't find diamonds which disappointed us.

As we were making our way back up and out of the cave, we heard lightning and lots of it. Lucas and I looked at each other then ran the rest of the way out of the cave, both of us were worried about Rainbow, he still doesn't have enough energy to fight.

We got back into the forest above ground and were about to run back to the Rainbow Town when a fireball was thrown in front of us, we looked up to see the two new Steves, Positive and Negative. Lucas and I took out our iron swords even tho they wouldn't do anything, but still, we didn't want to just submit to them.

The Steves fired a fireball at the same time, Lucas and I dodged it but we went opposite ways and before we could make it to each other, more fireballs were thrown at us and with the Steves getting closer we ran into the forest.

I ran as fast as I could, jumping over rocks, fallen trees, any obstacle that stood in my path. Negative did not let up on firing fireballs at me, but it only seemed he wanted to clear the trees to see me, this caused the forest in this area to light up in blazes of fire.

The heat and smoke were becoming unbearable at this point, I found a nearby cave and jumped in but didn't realize how deep it was, when I hit the bottom pain shot through me like an arrow into flesh. I looked up to see Negative looking down at me, he landed to the side of me and carefully picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

Even in pain, I started to thrash around in his grip, "Can you please stop moving? It was hard enough to catch you and you're in no condition to even run properly," Negative says with a sigh. I huff and stop my struggles because it was pointless, "If it was so hard to catch me, why even try?" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice, "Because I want you, just like how my brother wants your cousin," He explains like it's the most natural thing in the world to say.

I didn't even know how to react to what he said, I felt a dark blush cover my face as I stopped moving and talking. I was still annoyed about being carried over someone's shoulder but at the moment it's better than walk on my probably broken leg or legs.

~Negative's pov~

I felt Sabre stop moving after I told him why my brother and I were doing this, he hasn't said anything either, but the silence was nice since Sabre is almost always screaming. I continued to walk into the part of the forest that I chased Sabre in, he would occasionally cough from the smoke but nothing much.

A while after I left that area of the forest, I found my brother with a sleeping Lucas in his arms. We had a short conversation then we went back to our base, Lucas would stir in his sleep every so often but not much and Sabre was still quiet the entire time.

We walked for a few more minutes until we got to our base, we walked inside and went to our rooms. I closed the door to my room and gently placed Sabre on my bed, he still had a dark blush on his face which made me chuckle.

I took this as a moment to check the injury he got from jumping into that cave, I sighed, "You only have a broken ankle but next time make sure to check how deep the cave or hole is before jumping into it," I told him as I got bandages to steady his injury.

I look up at him when he still didn't say anything, he still had a blush but it was to a lesser extent. I sat next to him on the bed and cuddled with him, I kissed the top of his head and smiled when he cuddled closer to me.

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