Lucas X SS Plague

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~Sabre's pov~

Lucas and I have been walking for days, we dug a little indent into the mountain we were on, and at the time Lucas was resting and I was going to look for food for the both of us. I reached the top of the mountain and looked over the plains below, as I looked down I saw something move, it was a Steve but it wasn't a Steve I've ever seen, it was green and a cyan color.

After watching for a while, I decided to go down and talk to this Steve. After some talking with him, I learned his name was Plague and he had some sort of sickness power, it made me worry but he said it only works on Steves.

I guide him back to the little, not ever a, camp me and Lucas has set up. When Lucas saw the new Steve, he went into protection mode and pulled me behind him then pulled his sword out in a threatening manner. After explaining to Lucas that Plague was a new friend, he put his sword away and appolagised to Plague.

~Timeskip to a few days later~

Lucas and I came running back to Plague with the rainbow root, the only thing that can bring back Rainbow. When me and Lucas got there Plague was sitting on the ground but when he heard our hurried foot steps he turned to us, "Did you get it?" He asked, since me and Lucas were out of breath, I just showed the root to him.

After Lucas and I rested, I made an extension to the machine to hold the rainbow root. I told Plague to go into the machine, after he went in I turned on the machine and waited. When the lightning stopped I turned off the machine, Lucas helped Plague out of the machine because he used a lot of energy and I went to see if it worked.


It was a few days ago that Lucas, Rainbow, and I defeated Infinity but it was yesterday that Plague moved into the Rainbow Town. I couldn't help but notice that Plague is acting strange, he gives me and Rainbow these weird looks and he was spending more time with Lucas, I'm not saying its bad but in the week we knew him, he did not act like this.

~Plague's pov~

Sabre was starting to get a little suspious of me, Rainbow was a little weary, but Lucas didn't really notice anything which I was happy for. I've grown a liking to Lucas ever since I saw him and my love for him just grows every time I see him. I was with him now, he was fishing on the dock. I didn't know where those other two idiots are but I could care less.

I look over at Lucas, he just caught a large salmon. The sun was just shining perfectly on him, it made his hair glow and his eyes sparkle. I thought back to those two idiots, Sabre I can't touch because he is Lucas's cousin but Rainbow I may be able to do something about him.

I get up from where I was sitting on the dock, "Lucas I will be back in... maybe a few hours?" I said unsure with how long it will take to do something about Rainbow, "Um... Okay, see you later, Plague," He said with his bright smile then went back to fishing. 'Now to deal with that Rainbow,' I thought as a smile came to my face.

~Lucas's pov~

I went back to fishing after Plague left to do whatever he left to do. It was only a few minutes of him being gone and I already miss him, A few days after I met Plague I started liking him but with everything going on then I don't think he would feel the same about me.

I heard foot steps behind me, I turn and see Sabre walking down the dock towards me, "Hey Lucas, have you seen Rainbow?" Sabre asks me, I shake my head too focused on reeling in this large fish.

After reeling in the apparent pufferfish, I turn to Sabre, "No I haven't seen Rainbow and I've been out here for a few hours," I explain to Sabre, "Maybe he went to get more supplies? I noticed we were running low and maybe he did to and went to get more," I reason, "Maybe but Rainbow always tells us when he goes somewhere," Sabre says and I can't help but nod my head.

We start to walk to the Rainbow House to cook up the fish I caught, when we went inside we saw Plague walk through the door. Sabre looked at me, "When are you gonna tell him?" He asked me, I trusted Sabre with everything like telling him who my crush was, "I'm not, he probably doesn't like me like that," I say in a sad tone, Sabre sighs and goes to sit somewhere and read his book.


I was sleeping in my nice warm and soft bed, Sabre was somewhere in the Rainbow Town, he was having his insomnia problems and went to take a walk to help him fall asleep. I was woken up by a sudden dip on my bed, I open one eye thinking I would see Sabre but instead I saw Plague.

I look up at him surprised yet sleepy, "Plague what are you doing here? It the middle of the night," I say with a tired voice, he does say anything. I try to get up but he pushes me back down onto my bed, I look up at him just in time for him to kiss me. I was surprised at first but I kissed back.

He pulls away with a smile, "I love you, Lucas," He says, "I love you too," I say with a smile and hug him.

"Hey Plague?" "Hm?" "Do you know where Rainbow is?" "I may or may not be the cause of his disappearance..." "Go get Rainbow" "But I want cuddles" "Rainbow first, then cuddles," "Fine."


Two oneshots in one day?!!!?!???!?!?!? YEAH!!!!!!! Now I got eight more oneshots to do :)  Yay

- End Queen

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