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'knockoff sbi' server

dadza - philza
explosive manager - wilbur
fucking menace - tommy
pig - techno
pretty girl - thalia
momza - kristen

tubbo wants to be added.
anyone have any objections

fucking menace
i do

beside tommy?

explosive manager
no sounds good
need me to send him the link?

i already did

good to see you, tubbo!


pretty girl
oh! someone new
hi...tubbo? :)


fucking menace
he's dyslexic, thalia.

pretty girl
that's cool
my teacher thought i was but i actually just forgot to take my adhd medicine and couldn't focus on anything
im always antsy when i forget

did you forget today

pretty girl
yeah i did
how did you know

just a hunch

hi tubbo
i ran across the house to say hi

hello kristen!!
mom says she wants to have tea over zoom again

pretty girl

of course you can, thalia

thalia, do you need your meds? you said you get anxious without them

pretty girl
if i was home i'd take them
im at a shoot in oakland
ive been working with aerie for a couple days so i cant just leave

thats like 15 minutes away
i can bring them to you

pretty girl
you don't have to

how much longer do you have on your shoot

pretty girl
4 and a half hours

send me your address and the shoot address
im on way

pretty girl
17662 west street, aparment 2A
theres a spare key taped to the bottom of the plant
shoot is at the big warehouse
678 stanford lane

you're really trusting, you know

pretty girl
i know
meds are on my bathroom counter by the way, theres only one bathroom so it shouldn't be too hard to find

got it. be there soon


techno sighs, getting out of his chair and grabbing his car keys, patting his dog floof on the head before rushing out the door.

he presses the unlock button on his keys, and climbs into his car, before setting off.

thalia's apartment was only a couple minutes away from his house, surprisingly- well, actually, not so surprisingly. they lived in the same city.

techno pulls into the parking lot, hopping out, and going up the flight of stairs to the 2nd floor of apartments, seeing the one labeled 2A.

he reaches under the plant, grabbing the key, and quickly unlocks the door.

walking in, he does his best not to be nosy, but he can't help but look around. her small apartment is decorated better than his entire house, and it was all...very her.

techno walked through the living room, entering the first room he saw; and thank the lord, it was the bathroom. he grabbed the pill bottle off the counter, and rushed out.

before he left, he gave geo a pat on their head, and took a picture. "all for the clout," he said to himself, but he even knew that wasn't the entire truth.

he locked the door, putting the key back underneath the plant, and hurried back to his car.

techno drove to oakland in silence, not feeling like listening to the trashy pop music on the radio...seriously, he might crash his car if he heard that song by 24kgolden one more time.

he pulls into the warehouse parking lot, texting thalia that he's here, and waits for her to come out.

he gets out of his car and leans against it, just playing around with his phone until she gets out.

a moment later, the girl herself jogs outside with a smile.

"hey! techno! holy shit you're tall. and your face matches your voice. okay, uh thank you for bringing my meds, you really didn't have to-"

"it's fine, thalia. do you need water to take it? or do you have some?" he asks, and she shakes her head.

"uh, i don't have water on me- obviously- i usually just take it dry when i forget water."

"that's not good for you. do you have a bottle inside?"

she thinks for a moment. "yeah, i do."

he nods. "then take a pill with you, and drink some water and take it when you get in there, alright? actually, you can just take the bottle with you, that makes more sense."

thalia nods with a smile. "thank you techno, again, you didn't have to, but i really have to go back inside, uh yeah thank you."

techno chuckles. "it's fine thalia, i told you. you're welcome, go back to your shoot then."

she shifts for a moment before blurting out what she was thinking. "can i hug you? shit, i didn't mean to say that."

he raises an eyebrow. "yeah, thalia. you can hug me, we're friends, remember?"

she sighs with relief, wrapping her arms around his waist quickly, and he immediately tenses before relaxing into it.

"god, you're small," he mutters, and she lets go.

"okay, bye techno! i really gotta go now, bye!" she says, and then jogs away.

techno climbs into his car. "dear lord."



i felt weird writing this one goodbye soft techno arc don't talk to me

pretty girl - technoblade ✓Where stories live. Discover now