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"i am actually going to kill myself." thalia says, dropping her phone inbetween her car seat and the center console. again.

techno looks over with a flash of concern in his eyes, before putting his eyes back on the road.

she sighs as she sticks her arm in between the seats, grabbing her phone. "yknow we didn't have to drive all this way, right?"

techno nods. "i don't mind."

"my family is going to barbecue you for dinner." she says flatly.

"at least it'll be seasoned."

she shakes her head with a smile. thalia had been the one to suggest driving out to meet her family, but the closer they got, the more she regretted it.

they weren't the greatest people. they sucked, to be frank with you. she'd been less than eager to get out of there as a teenager, but everyone knew she had to.

her parents practically hated her.

last time she brought home a white boy, he ran out crying. which was entirely jason's fault though, to be fair.

"we gotta meet jason at in n out before we go meet my parents, by the way." she says, texting her brother that they were near.

they sit in a comfortable silence, two words that thalia never thought went together all that well.

techno turns into in n out, and thalia can already see her brother sitting outside.

she quickly unbuckles, running out of the car and practically tackling jason, taking him off guard.

"holy shit thal, a little warning?"

she shrugs, sitting down next to him. "you're lucky i even texted you, and watch your mouth. please."

he rolls his eyes, before abruptly sitting up as techno gets out of the car. thalia laughs lightly.

"hey, cool to meet you." techno states, awkwardly standing in front of the table.

she rolls her eyes. "sit down, there's plenty of room."

he smiles at her, sitting directly across from her.

jason gags. "dude, i like your videos, but if you don't quit with the googly eyes at my sister im going to rock your shit."

thalia punches him in the shoulder and techno wonders if hes being serious.

"he's not being serious. he's stupid. and 15 years old." thal says.

they chat for a minute, before getting back into the car- jason climbing in the back this time.

he groans about the "shitty" music the whole time.

when they finally pull into the driveway, jason is eager to get out, fake throwing up on the lawn.

"i seriously hate you being in a relationship thalia. you HELD HANDS WHILE DRIVING. that's such an old person thing to do, fuck you."

she just rolls her eyes again, ignoring him and walking up to the front door, forgetting she doesn't have a key, then knocking.

her mother opens the door and makes a face.

"why are you here?"

pretty girl - technoblade ✓Where stories live. Discover now