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two things- 1, techno finally convinced thalia to move in with him. 2, thalia had forgotten how much work moving is, evidently.

she let out a deep sigh and flopped out on her couch after taping the final box. "i am never doing that again," she says, exasperated.

techno walks in from the other room of her apartment. "that's a little dramatic, dear."

she shakes her head. "no, it's not. we're never moving again. i hope you like your house. and me, because im not leaving."

he smiles at that, picking up the box she just packed with his skinny white arms, and walking towards the door. "whatever you say thal, im gonna go bring this down to the moving van."

thalia sighs again, sitting up. "you have fun with that, pig boy. i have to find my cat, i don't know where he went." she says, mumbling to herself as she searches the rooms, before finding geo sitting on the window of her room.

"there you are, you chubby furball," she smiles, picking them up and scratching them behind the ears. "we've gotta go now, bud. did you pack all your stuff up?" she asks the cat, and gets no response.

"rude.." she mumbles, carrying him out the door, nearly running into techno who was on his way up.

"you got everything that you're taking?" he asks, standing opposite of her.

"i hope so, otherwise the landlord has a nice moving out gift!" she smiles, making him chuckle lightly.

"alright, bring geo down to your car then, i'm going to lock up and then drive the van to my house. you're meeting me there, right?"

she nods. "with a stop by starbucks first, probably. you want anything?"

"get me a cakepop, please and thank you," he says, and thal nods, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his cheek, before jogging down the stairs.

she always thought there were too many stairs for someone as unactive as she was. there were days on end where she'd doordash food, just so she didn't have to go down those stairs.

so many memories in this apartment complex, like the slip n slide accident of november 15th, 2019, (which she was under oath by her neighbor matt to never speak of again) and so many more.

thalia sighed, adjusting geo in her arms before lifting one hand to her mouth and blowing a kiss at the building before climbing in the car.

she set geo in the passenger seat, before starting the car and driving out of that parking lot one more time.

her drive to starbucks was short, which was always a blessing for thalia, though a curse for her bank account. she pulled in the drive thru line, waiting for the speaker to be ready.

"hello and welcome to starbucks, what can i get you today?"

thal hummed. "hello! uhm, can i get two birthday cake cakepops, and one grande matcha tea?"

"yes ma'am, i can. pull up to the second window to get your order, and have a wonderful day!"

"thank you, you too!" she said, before pulling up, paying, getting the items, and driving off.

she belted the lyrics to the song playing, and finally, she had gotten to techno's house- or well, their house, now.

the moving van in the driveway told her he had already beaten her there, and she knew that they had a long day of unpacking ahead of them.

"are you ready for your new home geo?" she asked, looking over at him, and they purred in response.

"me too, geo. me too."


"thalia, you're great, but i never want to do that ever again." techno said, this time being the one sprawled out on the couch.

she sat up fast. "i told you! gosh, this is exhausting," she says, immediately sinking back into the couch. "geo, my love? could you bring me my matcha tea?"

there was no response, and thalia rolled her eyes. "be like that, then. techno, have you noticed that geo never responds when i talk to him?" she says, turning towards him.

he hums lightly. "i think that's because they're a cat, babe."

she laughed. "obviously, pig boy. i just feel like they could say SOMETHING y'know?"

he just laughs, and they sit in a comfortable silence.

home sweet home.

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