3. Body One

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"Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives."

My alarm goes off causing me to jump out of bed. I grab my towel and go straight into the shower. Once I'm done my shower I slip on a black t-shirt with jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket. I grab one of the muffins that Kacey made and begin to walk out; when I remember something and turn around. I open the drawer where I usually have my badge at but its not there. I check the bedside table, the dining table, the counter in the kitchen, and the bathroom. "Lucus!" I yell. "Yeah!"

"Have you seen my badge?" I ask. "No." he replies. "Wait, didn't Katherine have it?" he asks. "Shit." I mumble. "I'll meet you at the office." I yell before grabbing my phone and walking out. I head next door and knock. I hear a thump and then a bang before the door opens revealing Katherine wearing a t-shirt and her underwears, ONLY a t-shirt and underwears. Her hair is still in the side braid and she has a big red mark on her thigh. "Did you fall on your way to the door?" I ask. She looks down at her thigh and chuckles. "Yeah." A sleepy smile spreads across her face which makes me smile. "I think you stole my badge." I laugh. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." she goes inside and I follow her until I end up in the dining room. She comes back with the badge in her hand. "It was fun acting like a cop." she smirks. I smile and ask "Where's Kacey?"

"At her job interview." she yawns. "Are you going to get a job?" I ask. "Yeah I have an interview today." she replies. "Where?"  "Some burlesque club, I'm going to be a dancer." she smiles. "I've never been to one."  "Well if I get the job you have to come and see me dance." her smiles grows wider. "I will." I smile before walking out.


I walk into my office and Lucus hands me a file with MISS JACKSON printed on it. "Another one?" I complain. "They just found the body this morning. The guy was twenty seven years old, he sold drugs and he would get enough money to go to the club at least once a week. He was at the club we were at last night." My eyes pop out of my head as I look at the picture. "Miss Jackson used a giant piece of cement and crushed his head with it; then she ripped open his shirt, took some of the blood and wrote her name with it on his body."  "That's disguisting." I reply. I stare at the picture of the guy's crushed head with the piece of cement laying next to it. "Finger prints?" I ask. "Nope, they couldn't find any. Miss Jackson is smart." he says. "She can't be that smart, there's something she should've done wrong. Lets go check out the body."

I take the file with us as we go to the morgue. The manager pulls out the body and the first thing I notice is that almost half of the head is gone.  "Did you clean his body already?" I ask. "No." the manager replies. I pull the blanket more. Right on his stomach and chest is her name. "Did anybody check if there was something unusual in his body?" I ask. "Yeah and they didn't find anything." Lucus says. "Alright lets go back into the office."


I go back to the condo while Lucus goes out with some random girl he found at the club yesterday. Once I'm inside I take off my jacket and shirt. I'm just about to make something to eat when I hear screams coming from the hallway. I quickly grab my gun and walk out to the hallway. I look to my left, but nobody was there. I look to my right and I see Kacey and Katherine.

"Was that you two screaming?" I ask. "Oh yeah sorry, we were just so excited because we got the jobs we wanted." Kacey says. "Which means you have to come to the club next week." Katherine smirks. "Okay." I smile. Kacey goes into the condo while Katherine walks up to me. "I heard about that Miss Jackson chick, is she the one you're looking for?" she asks. "Yeah." I nod. "I'm thinking about getting a gun, I have the papers for it but I don't know how to use one. Can you teach me?" she asks. "Yeah, sure. I'm free tomorrow, if you want to."  "That'll be great." she smiles and walks away.

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