Chapter 3: Disregard

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Little moans escaped my mouth, as he pinched and twisted, softly, the most sensitive parts of my breasts. "Can I show you something?" he asked, now looking at me with lasciviousness. "Uhum", I moaned, desperate to know what he was going to do. He then slipped a little sexy laugh and said "ROOM" and quickly the circle of power was surrounding us. I've always told him that inside of it my senses enhanced, this time wasn't the exception. He then expressed "counter shock". I lost my breath, because I knew how deadly that attack was, but instead, a soft electricity ran through his fingers through my nipple, making me squirm.

Every little shock my skin experienced, was slowly sending me to heaven. Pangs travelling directly to my core every time I heard his seductive laugh. He was enjoying this; he certainly knew what he was doing.

Law then crawled over me, placing his tattooed, well defined, tanned arms at each side of my face, kissed me and ordered me "stand up", with a lustful smile.

And without questioning, I did as he told. I stood up in front of him, who also stood up and told me to wait right there. He reached his katana, looking at me with almost a wicked look. "I hope you don't get cold", he said and unsheathed the Kikoku. Widening my eyes, I heard him express "Scan" followed by a movement of his hand that took all my clothes, even my underwear, right away.

I was left completely naked in front of him. My cheeks turned to red, and I wasn't able to move. He approached me while slowly taking his shirt off, exposing the perfect anatomy of his torso. I traveled with my eyes every single black line of his tattoos, the way they garnished his skin, his abs, the little scars that remained from fighting at Dressrosa. Oh, so tempting, so enticing. I was so needy for him. I wanted to get railed by this man, real hard.

Law licked his lips subtly, while looking me up and down, when suddenly violently grabbed my neck with his right hand. He was not choking me, nor caressing my skin. He applied just the perfect pressure to the sides of my neck and with his knee roughly separated my legs.

The skilled fingers of his free hand reached my sex. "You are already so wet, Y/n-ya", he said, discovering how aroused I was. "I want to get you even more wet", he whispered next to my ear. I could only say his name in between gasping breaths. I couldn't focus on more than primal desire.

He began to move his fingers in circular motions over my clit, and slowly introduced his thumb on me. In and out.. In and out... and with every moan I let out, he increased the pressure on my neck.

The surgeon let go of me, knelt and started kissing my stomach softly, downwards, arriving at my thighs, kissing and biting the inside of them. I stretched my head back and instinctively grabbed his hair. Law loudly growled and placed his mouth over my sex, licking up and down, tracing also circles, enjoying my flavor, as he said, "you taste delicious". My legs started to get weaker. I was groaning, heavily breathing, until I let myself go, when he made me reach the peak of my pleasure.

"Now, let me show you how skilled I am with my mouth, too", I said, slowly putting my hands onto his hips and pulling him to me so we could be facing each other more closely, Slowly kissing first the commissure of his lips, and then placing a kiss onto his lips. I noticed he was breathing more heavily and when my stomach met his I could feel his erection against my lady parts. I pushed him into a big wooden couch. I hopped onto his lap. Being over his lap made me feel his sex pressed, rubbing against mine while I started moving with an exquisite motion. We kept kissing, touching, feeling our flesh spellbound from his scent, that now has turned into the mix of his sweet perfume with hints of sweat.

Kissing first his neck and then leaving a trace downwards, his collar bones, lower... lower. I stood up and kneel at his feet.

I took a long time to enjoy his well-defined abs going lower till getting to his navel. My ears were blessed with his low moanings, the little spasms that his muscles did every time I came closer to his skin with my mouth and how he got his head thrown back. I followed the happy trail of little hairs that took me to his pelvis, perfectly determined by the V shape his lower abs formed.

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