Chapter 4: Alone

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The plate fell into the floor... Law showed no emotion at all, he looked at me as the words I've just said weren't ever said. We remained silent for a long minute. I stayed strong, stronger than ever. No more tears. Inside I was broken, I knew he was too.... From the outside I decided to show nothing but a straight face, I was determined. His words have hurt me, and there was no return. Law knew it.

"Please, let me descend on the next island. A few days and this should be over. Don't tell the rest of the crew, I'm gonna do it personally whenever we arrive at the next port". I stated, firmly. "If that's what you want, fine". Said Law, and left the room, slamming the door.

The moment he was gone, I collapsed over the door. Snapped my fingers. "Silento", I said, making a silent bubble around me. I screamed, cried, felt my heart break into a hundred pieces. I was a few days away of being alone, alone again. Alone for the first time since I met Law. I was about to leave my whole family, and the person I've ever loved the most.

What about everything we got planned? What about us making the world government fall? What about avenging our families?... what about us?...

I must have cried for a few more hours until I fell asleep. I was on the floor, with my back resting over the door...

The snow has wet my feet, but I don't feel cold anymore. I am hungry, but somehow I know I'm not having any food, so I keep walking. My dress is ragged. My plushie, a photo of my parents and a little blue bow are my only companions, my only possessions. I keep walking and walking. Around me everything is blurry. A few people have asked me what it is with me. I don't answer. My voice is gone, or maybe I'm just too weak to even pronounce a word.

My tears have dried, I don't have any more left. I am alone, I am waiting for my life to end.

The last thing I ate some days ago was an apple, a fruit, I don't know. I felt strange after eating it. I don't really know what it is, but I feel different.

I get to the shore. Somehow being next to the sea makes me feel better. The waves relax me. Suddenly I am so weak I'm feeling as if I'm fainting... my vision got even more blurred... and the last thing I could see was a little boy coming my way, wearing a white hat and a blanket around him.

"Oi, Oi!!" The little boy with white spots that covered almost his whole face skin and bright grey eyes is now shaking me by my shoulders. He has a little piece of bread on his also spotted hands. "Take it, I'm a doctor, you should eat!". I deny the offer with my head. He seems as hungry as me. "I hate bread, you should eat it. For real, I hate it", the little boy insists until I grab the piece of bread and eat it. It was magnificent... somehow I feel the need for the very first time in days to speak... "Tha... thank you for the.. food. Wh... What is your name?", I ask the young doctor. He looks at me considering if he can trust me. "Law. Trafalgar D. Water Law"...

My head hit the floor and I woke up. My face was wet in sweat. The memories of the first time I met Law were replaying while I was sleeping. I gazed at my watch. 11:02 am. Next to me, there was still the plate he dropped yesterday. The smell of the food made my stomach hurt, I got nauseous, so I went to the bathroom right away.

My reflection showed a pale face, my eyes were irritated and puffier than ever from all of the crying. My head hurt. I tied my hair on a ponytail, I didn't even want to comb it. I felt once again queasy, so I knelt in front of the toilet and wait for my sickness to go away.

A few hours passed until I decided it was time to face my crew. Surprisingly no one has come to see me nor called me or knock on my door.

When I opened the door, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin fell over me. "What are you doing???" I screamed trying to gasp for air with three of my crew mates crushing me. "Sorry Y/n, sorry!!" Bepo begged for my apology as the three of them tried to stand up. "Y/n, we were concerned, you haven't left your room in almost two days, you haven't eaten a single time since you came back from the island and Captain remained sitting on your door the whole night. What 's going on??" Penguin interrogated me while helping me to stand up.

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