Chapter 5: Sunflowers

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Next thing I remember was opening my eyes and seeing Law's face. He was carrying me in his arms, my hearing went from a loud buzzing to his voice. "Y/n-ya, answer me, come back, are you with me??", my best friend kept asking me while running. I gave him a smile, and the only thing I could say to him was, "I'm sorry", until I passed out again.

The night sky was deep blue, full of stars and a big moon that enlightened the whole room. I recovered my senses a few hours after, since Law has saved my life, once again. He was next to me, brushing his hand over my forehead, looking straight at the door with his katana on the other hand. I was lying on my bed. Around me, a whole disaster, everything I owned was scattered over the floor.

Once again, the first words that came out from my mouth were "I'm sorry". I have put my whole crew, Law, and even my life in danger just because of my stupid pride... My personal doctor smiled at me and told me to shut up. He began to cry, openly, looking directly to my face. He was not hiding under his hat, not even over my chest. He was showing me how hurt he was, and this was for sure the very first time I've seen him cry like this. "I am the one who should be sorry. I left you alone, I abandoned you. Everything because I was scared, because I didn't want to accept how much I love you, I was afraid of changing, of putting you in danger. Look how you've ended because of me, they were searching for me..." he said, hitting his chest with his hand in a fist. He continued, "That's the reason I wouldn't really admit that the love I felt was more than just caring for a friend... I'm sorry Y/n-ya. I'm sorry... everything I said, it was a lie... I've loved you since...forever. You were always my star, the only person I could look at, when I was in the dark, you shine so bright, you light up my soul...". I tried to get up from bed, but a throbbing pain on my ribs stopped me from it. "ugh... Law...", he told me to remain still on bed, and informed me that 5 of my left ribs were broken. I wanted to say so many things, to tell him it was alright, that I wanted to go back to the polar and resume our journey as if nothing happened, but... it wasn't that easy, I was hurt too. I remained silent, looking through the window, searching for the best words to say, to express everything I had inside my chest.

I finally decided to speak. Law was still crying, but he wouldn't guard down, he was protecting me. I said, "Oi, dumbass... how did you find me?", "I followed your vivre card, of course" he answered sobbing. "Yeah, but... how did you get here so fast? where were you?", I asked. I guess his cheeks turned to red, he seemed as if he was blushing, and after stuttering a little, he confessed, "I.. we.. I stayed in the submarine on the other side of the island, I was scared. Everybody agreed on waiting for you...".

He was always here?... of course, he was, his vivre card would always point to the same place. And... that time I went exploring the whole island, I thought I saw the guys in the distance, on the shore... I... thought it was just my imagination... I began to cry and laugh at the same time, covering my eyes with my hands. "I love you, dumbass. I love you more than anything, you were always here, you didn't abandon me". Suddenly I was so happy, I knew he wouldn't leave me, I knew he would always protect me... I knew it. I was full of joy...

Law laid next to me in bed, softly because he knew how hurt I was, hugged me and kissed my forehead. He had the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. He looked so relieved. The warmth I felt on my chest when I had his vivre card over, I was now feeling it all over my body.

We stayed like this for a few minutes until Law said, "You need to rest, and I need to be alert in case some more bastards come". I calmed him, "they won't come here, they think we are on the submarine, leaving this city... Do you remember your vivre card?". He looked at me, worried. I continued, "I'm sure you think that yonkou's subordinates have found and stolen your vivre card from here, right?". He nodded and said, impatient, "yes, when I was beating the shit out of them, I heard that they have finally found it, how come they don't have it?". "If I have learned something from you throughout all of this years is to plan things out... Yesterday morning, before leaving home I got the feeling that I should carry your vivre card with me..." I slowly pulled the little paper from my bra and showed it to him. He widened his eyes and was about to say something, but I resumed speaking like a smart detective, "Yet, a few days ago I thought of how dangerous it was that someone could find your vivre card, my dear ex, I made a fake one, I used some fish scales that I took from a fish of the river to make it, write your name on it, and leave it on that little box you now see empty over the dresser. So, I think they might be following that fish...". Law's face was priceless, at first, he was dumbfounded, but a few seconds later we both burst into laughing.

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