Chapter Six

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I woke up in the morning surprisingly in my own bed, the last thing I remember was being in John's car as he drove us home from the club. I must have drifted off to sleep and he carried me in. There was a note taped to my mirror:
You are beautiful when you sleep. I just want to kiss you again.
I quickly snatched it down turning red, even though I knew no one else was around. I held the note to my face smelling the scent he'd left behind.
Before we came home last night we kissed in the alley
"I wrote that for you" he breathed onto my lips,
"What?" I said pulling away.
"The song Lucy, the song inside y'know?" he said, his hands still gripped onto my hips.
"Oh," I said, unable to resist the urge to kiss him, my lips met his again, and as his hands slipped to my behind I knew we had to stop before it went too far.
"John," I sighed, my hands pressed to his chest as I turned my head to catch my breath. He was biting at my neck and I felt my breathing become shallow
"Okay- okay we have to stop." I said reluctantly pushing him away. He wiped at his mouth and ran a hand through his hair
"Lucy, I-" he began and I cut him off
" Why is this only okay when we're alone?"
" It's just complicated you know, with the boys and the band and-"
"And I'm just Paul's kid sister." I said shrugging my shoulders
"No that's not what I meant Lucy it's just-"
"It's just what?"
"Will you let me bloody finish?" he said, and I felt as if I had shrunk back into my body.
"This has- it has potential to screw up a lot, but- but I want... I want you." he said his lips tentatively touching mine again. My thoughts were getting hazy, and I felt my knees weaken, my hands snaked around his neck, and we kissed there for what felt like hours, and when we finally seperated I touched my lips, feeling how swollen they were.
"Lucy." he breathed into my neck
"John." I answered and his hand lowered and locked with mine.

He drove me home after that, and in the car we heard on the radio, a local station advertise the boys, who had now secured their spot as a regular Friday and Saturday night act at the Cavern Club.
I don't remember falling asleep, but I know it was when we had gotten past the city, as we approached home, everything was quiet, and calm, but a shift in the world was happening, and as my eyes closed, I knew when I opened them nothing would be the same.

I stored the note in my bedside table, hoping that no one, especially Paul, would find it. I must have slept in late, because when I walked into the hall and saw the wall clock it read 1:30, and I could hear the commotion downstairs, the boys were back at it practicing, and I knew I couldn't just mosey around in my PJs anymore.
I dragged a comb through my hair, and must have gone through everything in my closet before deciding on a blue tank top and long pants. I walked down the stairs, trying to look as innocent as possible. I felt that what had happened last night was written all over my face.
"Ah, princess has arisen!" my father bellowed as I came down the stairs, he was in the kitchen going over his paper work, and I sat down next to him, taking an apple from the bowl that sat in the middle of our table.
"How did they do?"
"How did who do?" I asked confused
"The boys, Lucy. Last night? I didn't even hear you come in."
"Oh good, I mean as good as they always are y'know" I felt myself turning red and I knew he could notice, I prayed to God he wouldn't ask anything that would push me to reveal what had happened. Keeping secrets was never my strong suit.
"Did you come home with Paul?"
"Uh, mhm. Yes." I said, nodding feverishly. He laughed,
"Oh Lucy, you're just like your mother: an open book."
"Me? I hide nothing from you father!" I said acting as if I was hurt by his truth.
"If she could see you now, Love, if she could only be here now." I hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek, telling him I was going to see what Maureen was up to, I hadn't seen her since my "illness" creeped on at the club last night, and I just had to hear about her night.
I walked back towards the living room, passing Paul and John at the piano.
"Hello boys," I said leaning over the piano "Congratulations, a regular! My brother, a regular!" I teased and he smiled
"Well one day we'll be bigger than Liverpool, you just wait darling." John said smirking, and Paul chimed in
"We are in the middle of something if you don't mind."
"Fine." I said turning on my heel, but not before slipping a note into John's shoes that sat next to the front door.
"Meet me tonight near the street lamp on Penny Lane.
- Lucy."

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