Chapter 7 - Armin

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"So... why were you with Annie in the hallway?" Jean teased me. "I told you, Jean," I said, elbowing him. "I met her while walking." He seemed to believe me, but I felt as if he could see a blush on my face.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." Jean took another bite and patted me on the back. "You and her seemed to be having a good conversation anyways," Eren looked up at me. "Yeah, Jean told me. She never talks. What was the topic?"

Oh, no. "Oh... uh, you know. Training, stuff like that." Jean shrugged. "Fair, I think that's all you'll ever get out of such a boring person." What?

"What- Annie isn't boring," I said, a sarcastic tone in my voice to make it sound like I was joking. "Alright, alright," Jean put up his hands. "It was just a joke, Ar-meen," I laughed, trying to clear the air.

"In your defense, aren't you like, some psycho analyzer or some shit like that? I mean, you did figure out that she was the female titan," Eren looked at me. It was true, I could read most people like a book. Although, even though I could see through her, it was much harder to see her real emotions than it was for most.

"I mean, I wouldn't say that," I shrugged, "but, most people have more sides to them. Everyone does."

Jean nodded. "Yeah, that is true. She's just... always seemed so cold hearted," he dropped his voice to a whisper. "I mean, look at her right now. She looks like she wants to kill someone," believe me Jean, she could.

"Well- what i'm trying to say is that- most 'cold hearted' people just don't show emotions. But they are there." Eren looked at me in awe. "I'm telling you, Armin, become a detective, or a therapist... something," the table broke out in laughter, including me.

I tried to change the subject from Annie. "Where even is Connie?" I asked. He hadn't been there the past few days. "Either with Sasha or sleeping," Jean scoffed. "Makes sense," I said, taking the last bite of my bread. "Also, Armin, when did you cut your hair? It looks really good." Eren and I laughed.

"Like, last year!" Eren almost fell off his chair. I guess not all of us are 'psycho analyzers'.

I couldn't tell how Annie was so... fake at training. Her face was so solemn, and she only spoke when someone asked her something. I wasn't going to lie to myself, the first time I saw Annie, I thought she was a cold person too. But since then I've learned that judging people based off of appearances gets you nowhere.

After training, I saw her again. I was walking with Eren, Jean, and Connie, who finally decided to show up. It was in the hallway, and she was alone, as usual. Once she saw I was with the others, she hid.

"Hey, uh, guys-" they turned around to face me. "I have to... do something, I'll meet you back in the dorms." They nodded. "Alright then, see ya," Eren smiled.

I followed after her, around the corner of the hall. "I'm-i'm sorry, I saw you and wanted to say hi-" I felt bad for following her, I'm probably just annoying anyways.

She whipped around with a smile on her face. It wasn't much, but it definitely wasn't the cold-hearted appearance she usually presented to the others.

"Oh, no... I actually was hoping you would follow me here. You're the only person I even enjoy talking to in this place." I don't know why, but it looked like tears started to form in her eyes. I wiped them away.

I checked that the hallway was clear. I pushed her against the wall, gently and out of admiration. "Do you- do you mean that?" I could feel a warm sensation inside of me.

I almost jumped as I felt her hand running up my shirt. She stared at me. "Yes-yes, I mean it," I put my hand next to the wall by her face. "I know we're supposed to be enemies, Armin. I've tried to deny it, countless times. But you're the only person who actually sees me for who I really am."

"You're so beautiful. Inside and out." I pulled her into a gentle kiss, then broke apart. We shared a quick laugh, before she pulled me back in. I could feel her passion. And I knew then that she really meant what she said.

I couldn't help but think about what I wanted to do with her... I felt like I shouldn't be thinking what I was, although I could sense that she and I were thinking somewhat of the same thing.

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