Chapter 7

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"Sh*t! It's them!"

"See I told you Hoseok!"

"Oh shut up Yoongi!"

"Hyungs! Both of you shut up! Obviously this is all your fault. I was the only who didn't hurt them"

"Don't feel proud of yourself Taehyung"

"Am not! And that's hyung to you Jungkook!"

As the 4 spirits kept arguing, a certain someone had woke up.

"O-Oppas??" The angel asked.

All 4 heads snapped at her and gasped. "Shine!" They said engulfing her into a hug. Once they broke the hug, Hoseok started to ask her questions.

"Are you okay?! Where does it hurt?! Oh god, I was so stupid! I'm so so sorry Shine. I—"

"I'm okay Oppa. But I think I broke my left wing" She winced once she tried to touch it. Her left wing was in a weird angle which is too hard to explain. "But the boys, I think they're unconscious" She said with worry.

"It's okay I'll handle them" Yoongi said. "Jungkook, Taehyung, help her stand up 'kay?"

The two nodded as they helped the angel stand up.

Meanwhile Yoongi made a flick with his hand making the wind carry the 9 unconscious boys to their little house.

"What happened Shine? What brings you all here?" Taehyung asked. He was really curious on why they came here the first place.

"Well, Jin Oppa is in trouble"

The 4 halted. Hoseok turned to Shine. "What trouble?"

"The f*cking old wizard kidnapped Prince Jin"

"He what?!" Hoseok shrieked. "That's it. We're coming. C'mon everyone. The sooner we heal this boys, the sooner we can save my best friend" He said making the pace quicker.

They all arrived at the 4 spirit's small house.

"Yoongi hyung, bring them to the medical hut. I'll be right back. Tae, Jungkook, bring Shine there too" Hoseok instructed as they nod.

Hoseok entered the house while the 4 conscious went to the small hut.

Yoongi laid the 9 unconscious boys on the floor while Shine sat across them.

Yoongi peered at the boys and notice an unfamiliar one.

"Shine, who's he?" Yoongi asked pointing to Jimin.

Shine followed his point and answered. "He's Park Jimin. The Park's only son" She explained.

"He's him?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.


"Can you try flap your wing once Shine?" Yoongi asked changing the subject as he pulling out the medical kit.

Shine winced once she tried to, which made the pain worse.

"I don't think I can move it Oppa" She whimpered.

"Just stay still, okay? I'll handle it" Yoongi said.

"Tae, Jungkook, aid the rest would ya?" Yoongi suggested as he noticed the two just staring at them.

"Okay, we'll see what we can do" Taehyung said dragging Jungkook along with him.

🗡️ Time Skip 🗡️

Hoseok entered the room with new fresh clothes for the 9 unconcious boys. And also, for Shine.

"Heyo~" He sang as he dramatically made an entrance.

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