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~Daishou's POV~

I almost fell asleep in the car with how long the drive was, but suddenly the car comes to a stop, I look over at Kuroo who was still smiling. I sigh happily, "Is this where we're stopping?" I ask, looking out the window, outside there was a somewhat large building that at least resembled a barn.
"Yeah. Come on," he quickly got out of the car and I follow behind, he leads to the building I saw through the window.
"So," I crossed my arms, "what is this place? All I know is you have some horse."
"It's a stable dumbass, seriously do we need to get your eyes checked?" He asked while looking down at me.
I scoff, rolling my eyes, "I just don't know what to expect. A horse isn't exactly a normal animal in Tokyo."
He smiles, "I don't really think a snake is either. Now come on. I'll show you Onyx." He then goes inside, so I follow, he greets the man at the front desk, then writing his name on a clipboard, before going further inside.
I continue to follow him, and soon we end up by a black horse, it was quite impressive if I'm being honest, but of course I'm not gonna be honest with Kuroo.
"So why do you have a horse?" I asked, as he strokes the animal's face, "I rode as a kid, and since my dad is really tired during the day he saw it as a good way for me to loose some energy without him drinking like 8 cups of coffee. After a few years I convinced him to actually let me buy one. And once we had the money he got me Onyx. He's pretty isn't he?"
I stare at Onyx for a second, "Uh yeah I guess," I suppose there's no use in denying it was a pretty animal.
"Yeah I know." He answers. I roll my eyes, he's fucking ridiculous. But it is kinda funny. Kinda.
I quickly change the subject back to what we were talking about. "So why is your dad tired a lot? I'm guessing work but.. I still don't know."
He didn't look away from Onyx, "He works nights, well he always has, so he could spend more time with me when I was a kid. He's a pretty good guy huh?" He smiles, finally looking at me.
I nod, "Yeah. You're lucky, you know?" I remember my own dad. He wasn't abusive to me before the party but..definitely wasn't great. He was scary, like I said he wasn't abusive but I felt he definitely could be if he wanted. So Tetsuro was definitely lucky to me at least.
"Yeah," he says, getting me out of the trap that is my thoughts, "I try not to take him for granted. Considering he was willing to get me a damn horse."
I chuckle as Onyx as snorts, "I think you made him angry." I hesitantly reach out and stroke Onyx's mane.
Kuroo smiles, "It's fine. He'll calm down." He continues to stroke his face, "You wanna try and ride him? I'll obviously be there with you."
I look over at him, I'm not really the type to do this if it isn't obvious. "Uh I'm not sure.."
"You can borrow a pair of shoes so you don't ruin your doc martins. I know how important they are to pretty boys like you." I groan at his mockery, but I don't deny wanting to change my shoes.
"I've just never done this before.." I sigh, I don't like admitting to this, it makes me feel weak.
"That's why I'm gonna be there dumbass," he laughs. Dammit why is he always calling me dumbass?
"It's not that. I'm more so.." I avoid the word afraid, "nervous about falling."
"Don't worry about that. I'll handle it if it happens. Which it likely won't." He puts his hand on my shoulder, "It's not as hard as you'd think. I could also ask the people who work here if you could use one of the shorter ones so you can be less afraid of falling."
I found that oddly considerate of him, "I mean it would probably help.." I mumble, still not too sure about the idea, but he's willing to put a lot of effort in so..
"Alright, I'll go ask okay? You stay here. I'll be back." I only nod, There's not much reason now to I suppose.
Kuroo walks away, I have no idea where he went though. So I take the time to look around, the place definitely wasn't my style but it's a stable/barn so it makes sense it isn't. But I try to ignore it, turning my attention back to Onyx. He reminded me of Loki in a way. Expect bigger...and a horse.
After a minute or two Kuroo returns, twirling keys on his finger, his face more red than usual, "Right, so I was given permission to use the track that the racers use to practice. Probably because you're here, I told them you're my friend again."
"I more so considering you a close.. acquaintance." I realize how stupid that sounds only after I said it.
"That's what a friend is dumbass," he said with a laugh. I smile a bit, he didn't say we weren't close at least.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Friend is a strong word." I say while turning away from him.
"And having sex when moving in together is a strong move but here we are."
I scoff, "Oh shut it you rooster."
"Oh come on, you know my name, Surugu."
"Yeah yeah, Tetsuro." I don't know how we went from calling each other nicknames to first names but I can't really say I'm very upset about it.
"Right. Now that we established that," he started to walk again, which I follow him of course, although I don't know where he's going.
Not surprising, we end up at another horse, this one was a bit smaller than Onyx, it was mostly brown but had a white stripe across its face.
"So this is Cinnamon. She belongs to the owners of the place, since they do have a business of teaching people to ride she's good for beginners. You'll be fine, ok?"
I nod, as contending as it felt coming from him, it was a bit comforting as well.
"So you do want different shoes right?" He asked.
I sigh and nod, "It would be appreciated.." I mumble.
He smiles and nods, "You just got me going all over this place don't you?"
I roll my eyes, "You're the one who asked." I guess it was bigger than I thought.
He leaves yet again without another complaint, I look at the horses again, and pretty soon I get lost in thought.
So I jump a bit when I feel someone touch my shoulder, but I quickly regain my composure, turning around expecting to see Tetsuro. Instead, there's a short lady with grey hair and a smile on her face. She looked to be about 60 or 70 but I couldn't tell. And honestly I didn't care. Old people annoy me anyway.
"Oh hello, I don't think I've seen you here before, are you the friend Tetsu told me about?" she asked me in a hushed voice, so I guess she's the owner.
I fake a smile, "Yes I am. He wanted to teach me." I assume she knows what I'm talking about.
"Ohh. I'm guessing he showed you Onyx already then. You know he hardly comes here anymore, he's so focus on volleyball."
I try not to show many sort of reaction to that statement, as Mika used to say the same about me so it doesn't bring back the best memories, "Yeah I can tell he is. He's quite a good player," I say through my teeth.
"Yes I watch some of his games. It's why I'm taking care of the horse he wanted so bad," she said with a quiet laugh. I fake a chuckle, for politeness.
"So how long have you known Tetsu?" She asked, still looking up at me. 'Why does his life matter to you so much you damn stalker?' I think to myself. "A knew years now, he's friends with my older sister. So I've seen him around the house," I say, keeping a happy expression, but I remember it's not my house anymore.
"Hey I got the shoes- oh hey," I look to the side and see Tetsu-chan himself. Finally, this lady was really annoying me, like I said, old people are a nuisance.
"Oh hello Tetsu. I was just talking to your friend"—yeah unfortunately—"I'll be going now. Have fun," she says before waddling off.
"That lady's obsessed with you," I said to Tetsuro once she was out of ear range.
Tetsuro suddenly starts to laugh, "Dude she's my grandma, of course she is." I suddenly felt stupid. Of course it was his grandma.
"It's the reason Onyx is even allowed to be here so be nice to her okay?" He asked while handing me a pair of boots that had mud on them.
"I was," I say defensively, which I think is true. Though I didn't even ask for her name, nor did she ask for mine so that doesn't matter.
"Good. I thought you were considering what a two faced bitch you can be," he said with a quiet chuckle, he seems to find himself pretty funny.
"Whatever," I kneel down to untie my own boots, quickly changing into the ones Kuroo gave me while trying not to topple over onto the dirt floor. The boots fit okay though.
"So we going or what?" Tetsuro asked, holding his hand out to me.
I only nod again, taking his hand and pulling myself up, though it takes me a few seconds to let go of his hand.
but I let go and cross my arms. "Stop doing that. You're gonna kill the mood," Kuroo says while unlocking the stalls (I think that's what it's called) and he guided the horse out of the pen.
I only watched him, keeping my arms crossed.
"Ook. So you stay her, walk to her or something I don't know." I huff "that's helpful horse expert."
He laughs, "I just have to get a saddle. I'm not just gonna leave you with a loose horse."
I roll my eyes, "I don't get what's funny."
"Man you're way denser than I thought." Before I could reply, he disappeared back to the place he went going.
I sigh, wiping the chaff off my neck and out of my hair. I honestly kind of hate this place, the smell of animals, the hay all over the ground, the loud horses. All of it. I have to keep reminding myself I'm here for Kuroo. Just out of politeness, after all he was so excited to come here.
He finally returns, saddling Cinnamon, and attempting to help me on. That was a bit of a struggle I'll admit, and I was holding onto his shoulder for most of it.
"You'll be fine," he says with a smile, "I've told you like 20 times."
I huff, rolling my eyes, if felt weird to be this high up. "I'll be right back with Onyx. Just don't move, she won't do anything."
I gulp but nod, holding onto the reins tightly, the way Tetsuro taught me.
It really didn't take long for him to return (although it felt like forever) and he got onto Onyx like it was effortless, I can tell you, it is not.
Slowly but surely, we start to go around the track that was behind the stable.
It definitely wasn't my style, but I suppose it was kind of fun. I also notice what I guess could be called a supply closet, that's probably where he kept disappearing to.
"You doing alright?" Tetsuro asked me, "just 'cause you were so nervous about this."
"I mean I guess I'm fine," I say while subconsciously looking down at the ground, "But riding things like this isn't really something I really enjoy.." focused on the ground, I hardly realized what I just said.
But I do when I hear Tetsuro laughing yet again, "you seemed to enjoying riding m-"
"Tetsuro!" I almost yell, feeling my face getting red, I never expected to be so caught off guard by a joke, but I did, and it caused me to nearly fall off the horse,
"Woah-!" Tetsuro quickly reached over and grabbed my arm, pulling me back up. "Are you okay, Surugu? Sorry I didn't know you'd loose your balance. I should've expected it. I know how you get with that stuff."
"Hey," I cut him off before he can continue, "it's fine, but can I please get off? That was a bit much for me."
"Yeah of course, again, just don't move." He said while quickly getting off Onyx, then helping me down, but I stumble, and I have to lean on him for a second.
"Welp, heights and horse back riding is not for you." He said like it wasn't obvious. I look up at him.
"Oh really you think so? I thought I was doing amazing." I huff, our eyes lock with each other. I stare at him for a bit.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" He asked, like he wasn't also staring at me.
"Oh I was distracted by the black holes that are your pores." I answer, of course I'd never admit to anything else. "What about you?"
"I couldn't see anything but all the crust in your hair from how many products you use." He says with a sly smile.
I move away from him, steading myself. He begins to take the horse back and I follow.
"Thanks for trying it Surugu." He said as he put them back, and I changed into my usual shoes, "I won't make you do it again..any time soon." For my peace of mind I decide he's joking.
"I'm not gonna thank you for making me do that," I watch the horses go back into their pen.
"At least they got enough exercise. They were taken out already."
I only nod and we began to leave. Once we get in the car, I don't say a word to him. Which is like our usual car rides, just a bit awkward. Expect this time I was stuck in my thoughts. I haven't ever been this vulnerable around a person who wasn't Mika in so long..then there's everything that happened with her...
We eventually pull over, causing me to sit up from my slouched over position.
"You okay? You zoned out," Tetsuro asks, sounding a little concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just..thinking," I answered, unbuckling my seatbelt.
"I'll carry your things in, k?" He asked me but it sounded more like a statement.
"You don't have to do that. I can handle it-"
"Nope. You've done enough," I was right, it was a statement.
"Ugh okay," so I then just watch him start to carrying the things inside, before beginning to zone out again.
That is until I feel someone picking me up, I jump a bit obviously, then I see Tetsuro's smiling face.
"You wouldn't come in when I called your name so we're going with plan B," he then proceeded to start going up the steps. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He always seems to know when somethings wrong and how to distract me from it.
Once we got inside, he basically threw me on the couch.
"Hey!" I shout a bit, trying to sound angry although I was still laughing.
"You had fun," he said while plotting down next to me. "Admit it."
"I will not be doing that considering there was no need to throw me," I say with a huff. He just smiles at me again, he was always in such a good mood.
"I think it was absolutely necessary," He brushes my hair out of my face for me, "There now you can't be mad at me for messing it up."
I smile and roll my eyes.
" much as I would absolutely love to stay and listen to you bitch about everything, I have to go help Kenma studying for a test." He said as he started to get up, grunting like a middle aged man.
"Isn't he a second year?" I asked, not getting up from my spot, "what use would you be?"
He stretched, "I'm just there to make sure he actually doesn't. If he were alone he'd just slack off. But I'm flattered you want me to say."
"That's really what you got from that?" I raise one of my eyebrows, "I was saying you're useless to him."
He only snickers at my comment, "it's like 12 right? I'll be back around 1. So don't get too close with dad while I'm gone. I don't need you two trash talking me behind my back."
I just roll my eyes and nod. I'm kind of glad he's going, I could use a small break from him and his antics.
"If you keep doing that they'll get stuck," he says before leaving the house, closing the door behind him.
I look around the house, it was nice. But much different than my parents...The place Mika dumped me...
Without Tetsuro around the realization of my situation starts to crash down around me...

/right okay, so sorry for taking so long to publish this part. As you can see it's much longer, and I haven't been horseback riding in forever so I had to do some research. Hope you liked it though.

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