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(Ruben is on top)

My feet taped on the edge of the cafe table as I waited for the man who I thought would never be in my life again

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My feet taped on the edge of the cafe table as I waited for the man who I thought would never be in my life again. After the phone call, last night, I decided to meet Ruben in my favorite cafe. He off course agreed.

The waiter passed me by, asking me if I wanted to order yet and I told him off with an impatient no.

With 5 minutes to spare, I spotted Ruben walking in. I could see the worry lines on his face from a mile away. I knew something was up. As he made his way to my table, I stood up to greet him.

"Ruben, thanks for coming out on short notice to see me," I said. Cupping his face in my hands I gazed at him, searching, for any signs of pain.

"I'm fine," he retorted. His eyes were pleading with me to ask him later so I reluctantly sat down across from him. When the waiter came back to our table, Ruben ordered a coffee while I ordered my usual bagel and hot chocolate.

"So," I started "How are you?"

"I said I'm fine," he clipped

"No your not. You have not seen me for 5 years. Ruben, tell me what wrong, why are you here?"

"I came here to talk to you about Fred," Ruben sighed. Taking another sip of his coffee, he continued

"Fred is getting under my skin and not in a good way. When you left Chicago, Fred took it upon himself to micromanage my life. He comes over to the apartment often to 'Check up on me' and to ask for you. When I told him you left for New York because you got a new job, I could hear the disappointment in his voice."

"Lex.." Ruben stammered, "I think he is after you!"

Taking a bite of my bagel, I could feel my heart racing. I did not think Fred would go this far with Ruben, someone who he actually cared for, someone not like me.

"What do you want me to do Ruben?"

"I don't know!" He said defensively. "I thought you had a good idea on what to do with Fred because of all of the stuff that he did to you when..."

"Stop" I muttered "not here"

He nodded. We both stood up, laid a $100 dollar bill as tip and walked out of the cafe. Turning up the street, we both fell in to stride and a deadly silence fell between us.

"Why are you here Ruben?"

"I don't know" Ruben hesitated

"Why did you fly all the way out, to New York, just to see me and ask about Fred!" I demanded

As we were walking, we ended up at a park. The sun hit the fountains as everyone passed us. Not paying attention which was a relief for me.

I quickly zoned back in to what Ruben was saying

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I quickly zoned back in to what Ruben was saying

"I thought you could help me Lexi! I really did! I am struggling in Chicago without you. Our system that we built together to survive is falling apart and I need your help!"

I looked him over, seeing the fear in his eyes. I just knew from the bottom of my heart that Ruben was struggling and that I needed to help him no matter what the cost to me

"You can stay at my place," I said. Ruben did a double take, searching my face to see if I was lying or telling the truth.

"Are you serious! Thank you!" He gushed, smiling from ear to ear.

I smiled back at him

"Come," I beckoned to him. He locked his arm around mine and walked back to the cafe where my driver took me and Ruben back to my apartment.

When Ruben entered my apartment, he looked around in awe.

"I say Lex, you have the best views up here,"

"I say Lex, you have the best views up here,"

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"You bet I do!"

I showed him to my guest bedroom before I went back to my bedroom and started getting ready for the night.

2:30 AM

I woke up with a start, Fred in the forefront of my mind. I decided on getting up and drinking a glass of water.

Ruben was also up and getting water when I made my way over to the sink

Ruben was also up and getting water when I made my way over to the sink

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"Same dream yeah?" He asked leaning back on the counter, looking at me.

"Yeah. Fred?"

"Do you want to talk about it? He asked

I walked over to the window seat and sat down. Ruben came and joined me.

"I just can't believed that he did those horrible things to me and my mother when we moved to Chicago

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"I just can't believed that he did those horrible things to me and my mother when we moved to Chicago.." I blurted out

Ruben pulled me closer and I let the tears fall from my face...

"You know I'm here for you" he said cupping my face in his warm hands

"Yeah, I know."


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-Crazykk532 :)

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