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Lexi Above

My smile stretched from ear to ear as I looked that the email that was in front of me. Luck has caught up to me today, and it was in the form of a job acceptance letter saying I was hired by NEN incorporated to become their chief executive officer, a first for them and a first for me.

After I replied and sent the nessissary information, I got up from my desk and did a little happy dance. As I gazed out the window at the Chicago skyline, I thought to myself how blessed I was to be in this position and how thankful I was for NEN for giving me the opertunity to do this.

Before I could sit back down, Mary, who was the head at the firm came in.

"Mary, what do you want?"

Her piercing blue gaze eyed me up and down before she replied

"I am only here to wish you well Lexi. I know you will do great things at NEN."

I sneered at her, knowing all of the trouble she put me through here at the firm. "Oh I think you would just love to be in my position Mary, but thank god your not so buh bye"

Mary scoffed as she slammed the door. I packed my things quicker after that. When I was done, I looked around for a final time before quietly shutting the door behind me and striding towards the elevator.

The secretary, Jenny tried to ask me why I was leaving so quickly but the elevator door shut before I could get a word out. The car took me straight down to the garage and I bolted towards my black Escalade and hoped in to the driver's seat, throwing everything from the firm in to the back seat. I wove in and out of traffic, getting many honks from impatient drivers but I didn't care. I was going to New York City and that would be the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.

Thinking nothing of my actions, I dialed my personal assistant Tina. She picked up on the first ring

"Lexi, what's up?"

"Very observant Tina", I retorted, a smile playing on the edge of my lips as I raced through traffic

"I just got named CEO of NEN incorporated" I could hear Tina screaming in the background. After a long pause, she calmed down.

"I'll get the jet ready," she responded calmly before she hung up.

That's the thing with Tina, I thought with satisfaction, she understands who I am and what I have become. After weaving through traffic for god who knows how long, I came to the private airport. I slipped my aviators on before hopping out and handing the keys to the valet.

In the distance, I spotted my beloved jet and I raced towards it. I stepped inside to luxury that I have been grown accustomed to since the beginning of my journey and it was only just beginning with me being the CEO of NEN.

"Hello, Lexi" my flight attendant Elise said. She then offered some red wine which I gladly took because I had to be ready for anything once I landed. I could not afford to be otherwise.


I probably should not have drunk all of that red wine, I thought as I stepped out of the plane holding my head. On the way to the headquarters to NEN, I told my chauffeur to get ahold of Tylenol and for the life of me, he did. Now, the black Escalade was parked in front of the headquarters with the paparazzi cameras flashing in the windows, and I could not go out because of my throbbing headache.

My chauffeur turned around and gave me a heartwarming smile.

"It's ok Lexi, you got this,"

Smiling at his encouragement, I put my aviator shades on and I stepped out of the Escalade. I was immediately asked so many questions from all different sides

"Alexandria, where are you from?"

"Why did NEN pick you?"

"Why are you so special?"

I was in the doors before any more of the paparazzi could come inside. I was met with applause and a big banner in the lobby that read "Welcome Alexandria to NEN"

I looked out at the sea of smiling faces and I could not help but smile back. My security ushered me into the center of the lobby were there were a bunch of celebrities in a circle with Champagne flutes in their hands.

Figures. That's why all of the paparazzi were there

I was introduced to all of them, all smiling and shaking my hands as if I were the CEO for the past 10-15 years. Then I was ushered up the elevator and into the upper level of NEN. I glanced out of the windows quickly before I was ushered inside a conference room with multiple cameras and TVs set up with peoples faces in them. At that moment was the moment I realized how big NEN was.

During the meeting was where I found out the true scope of NEN and why it was so powerful. NEN was more of a talent agency, always looking out for the biggest and brightest talent. I was tasked with keeping the ship afloat and managing it all.

Afterwards, I stayed behind and socialized with people, investors and clientele. It was 11 pm by the time I was able to leave the party and head back to my New York apartment. I dragged my body up to the elevator and rode up the 50 or so flights of stairs to the penthouse suite. I let myself in and plopped myself down on the couch.

Right on cue, my iPhone rand, looking at the caller ID, I saw that it was Tina

"Hey Lexi, how did it go today,"

I groaned just thinking about all of the faces I saw today, the names I had to remember and the responsibility hanging over me like a cloud

"I guess you realizing your role now in the world. Who would have thought."

"I know Tina, I know," I mumbled before sitting up and asked if she could get someone to come by tomorrow and bring some food. She said she was right on it and we hung up.

I dragged my tired body all the way to my master before my phone rang again.

I did a double take on the caller ID. I knew exactly who this was. It was Ruben.

Hello everyone

I'm finally back from the depths of doom 😂 I'm trying my hand at writing again and this time I'll try my hardest to stick through

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