Chapter 1: Darling Puns

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Disclaimer: All characters and the world of Percy Jackson belong to ingenious creature Rick Riordan. All the Greek mythology portions belong to the ancient Greeks and that lot.

I attached a picture of Alexander Ludwig who is Will Solace.



"Ugh," I groaned. "Just go away already," I told the knocking noise on my cabin door. Being the only Hades demigod, I had the roomiest cabin all to myself. Sharing is for losers like Will Solace, who happened to be the one knocking.

He let himself in, big smiles and all. "Rise and shine, darling!" He said cheerfully, kissing me on the forehead.

I reached up with one hand to slap him, eyes still closed. Much as I loved seeing Will and being with him, 8 AM was way too early for me. Maybe mid afternoon would be okay, but anything before that was complete taboo.

"Why do you even call me darling?" I mumbled sleepily. "It makes me feel all feminine."

Will tugged at my shirt in attempt to get me to get out of bed. "Perfect. Considering you're all moody and judgemental half the time, this sprout of feminism is perfect for you."

I kicked him where a man does not want to be kicked, before going back to hugging my pillow. "I am not moody and judgemental," I protested. Then I thought better of it. "Oh wait, nevermind, I see what you mean."

Will was saying some very nasty things under his breath. "Gods, Nico, where did you learn to kick like that?"

I rolled over so I was facing him while still lying in bed, propping my head up on my arm. "I've spent half my life in the underworld, Will. Think it through logically. I mean, I get that you aren't the brightest," I said looking slyly at him.

When he still continued to look at me blankly, I attempted at explaining my ingenious pun. "See, because I said brightest, and you're a son of Apollo? Who's the sun god? Who's bright?" It was getting lamer and lamer as it rolled off my tongue.

Will shook his head. "You really are a disaster in the morning, aren't you?" He said with a laugh, a joyous sound that filled the otherwise dark and sinister room.

I mumbled in agreement. Prying one of my eyes open, I was instantly blinded by the stream of bright light. "Damn the son god for creating all this light," I muttered under my breath.

"I'm standing right here," Will said exasperatedly, gesturing to himself. He had his father's surfer body, with lean muscles and an athletic build. Shaggy blonde hair fell into his intricate blue eyes.

Honestly, I felt like a dull lumpy potato standing next to him. I was your typical lanky teenager. I had messy black hair that always looked like I just got out of bed, and usually sunken or tired eyes. My skin complex has just been a complete mess.

I started out with an olive skin complexion, before I started paling drastically. By the time I met my half sister, Hazel, I was a ghostly white color. But I somehow managed to become even more pale after experiencing Tartarus. After that, I was a sort of greenish white, sickly color. But oh of course, I started turning a bluish tint after my efforts of shadow traveling.

I'm your average rebellious young adult that wears close to all black. Will has been trying to put some color and magic into my wardrobe with no luck whatsoever. I have this skull ring ever since I was a teenager, and I sill wear it to this date. And miraculously enough, I actually have muscles! (Long story short: Jason didn't expect that from me, and when he saw them, his face was priceless).

But I'm also said to be radiating a certain old and powerful energy. This isn't surprising considering I'm the son of Hades, a dark and sinister god of the underworld. To make things worse than they already are, I was born in the 1900s before being trapped in the Lotus Hotel where my aging slowed drastically. Talk about not fitting in.

"Go away, I don't want you here you stupid demigod," I yelled half heartedly. Sleep was still the number one thing on my mind, and I wasn't concentrating on what I was saying.

Before I knew it, Will had scooped my up in his arms like a baby. And, like a baby, I was kicking and shouting. He had an iron grip, sadly.

"Mr Solace!" I yelled loudly. "Let go of me this instant! Or I'll be forced to do some very bad things!" Did I sound threatening? Probably not. Oh well, I tried.

"Mr Di Angelo," Will replied dramatically. "What possible bad things could you be capable of?"

He had carried me out of my cabin and was heading to the pavilion where we all ate our meals. I refuse to look this idiotic and being carried by my boyfriend; this would not do.

He wanted to play this game? I was a dirty player. I was going to beat him at our seductive little game.

"Mr Solace," I breathed. "Things are about to get hot and dirty if you don't let me go this instant."

Will had a certain boyish quality still in him, and I could see it in the challenging gleam in his eye. "Bring it on, di Angelo."

At this point, Annabeth was walking past us on her way to who knows where. "Annabeth!" I yelled, waving my arms as best as I could while still being carried by Will.

"Will has just been going downhill these days. In fact," I said, kicking him sharply in the crotch, forcing him to stagger and take a moment to recover. "He's a little weak at the moment. Can't even carry a skinny guy like me. In fact, Will spends his entire days sprawled on the couch on top of me while eating non stop junk food."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You've really changed a lot since that skinny little nerd I met back 10 years ago. Not quite as innocent, that's for sure."

I smiled sweetly. "Thank you so much. Character development, don't you think?"

When she was turned, I lifted Will's shirt a mere inch and ran my tongue across his bare stomach. I could feel him squirming against me, signaling that my quest at awkwardness was working.

"Damn it, Angelo, stop being so sexy," Will grunted, hoisting me higher and away from his stomach.

Annabeth made a face at both of us when she heard what Will said. "Gods, both of you, I think I'm about to puke. No one wants to see that at this early of a time."

I glared sharply at Will. "Exactly my point! This wouldn't even be happening if it weren't for Will's constant pestering for me to wake up."

I saw Will pull a water bottle out of his bag from the corner of my eye, and I knew that it wasn't for drinking purposes. He somehow managed to discreetly unscrew the cap and knock it onto my pants when Annabeth's head was turned. He tossed the water bottle to the side.

"I only did it because I saw Nico's issue with wetting the bed," Will said, causing Annabeth to turn back and take a sharp look at my pants, which happened to be soaking wet because of a certain someone.

"Oh yeah?" I challenged back quickly, determined not to let him win. "Why were you even staring at me? Missing me? Scared to be by yourself?"

He laughed and flashed me an innocent smile. "You left your diary in my room, so I thought I'd give it back," he lied cleanly.

Annabeth raised her arms in surrender. "You two just do your thing. I need to find Percy for something more important than bladder issues and diary problems."

We both watched as she hurried away from us, noticeably quicker than the average pace.

"Aw you scared her away," I complained to Will, putting on a pouty expression.

"No," he corrected, kissing me lightly on the tip of my nose. "We scared her away."

Author's Note

I dunno what to write for author's notes but if anything ever comes up I'll be sure to write it here.
*Feel free to vote or comment, and possibly continue reading if I wrote any more -> *

Much love,

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