Chapter 2: Sex Offers

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Disclaimer: All characters and the world of Percy Jackson belong to ingenious creature Rick Riordan. All the Greek mythology portions belong to the ancient Greeks and that lot.

Attached is a picture of the flawless Skandar Keynes who portrays Nico Di Angelo.


"And now," Chiron said dramatically, "It is time for our ever famous game of Capture the Flag!" He stamped his hoof against the ground, raising up two flags in either hand.

The sea of campers burst into cheers and roars of approval. Will, with his arms wrapped around me from the back, was cheering so loudly I think I went deaf, or at least partially. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually happened.

It's not like I didn't like to play Capture the Flag, because actually, it's one of my favorite games. It's just the stupid victory and bragging rights that the winners get that drive me insane.

"Now!" Chiron thundered. "The teams are as followed. Athena, Hermes, Iris, Nemesis, Hypnos, Hades, Nike, and Poseidon. The opposing team will consist of Zeus, Ares, Hecate, Demeter, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Tyche, and Janus."

I tried to wrap my brain around all those campers, but it was just way too many campers. I hardly knew everyone's name- don't even get me started on their parentage.

Apparently Chiron knew this too, because he quickly added, "Team one needs red war paint, and team two needs blue. At least three streaks on your face so we can recognize you."

Will leaned in to whisper into my ear. "You're going down." He was on a different team than I was, and he was not going to get away with taunting.

"In bed?" I whispered back, stifling the oncoming fits of laughter. "I'd like to see you work it on the bed, Will, because my gut tells me you would suck pretty hard." My sucky puns and attempts at flirting.

He leaned in and pressed his mouth against my neck, sucking hard at the skin. I pushed him away from me. "Will!" I complained, trying to see my neck. I knew he just gave me a huge hickey right where it was visible.

"A little thing to remember me by when my team wins," he said, pressing a kiss on to my nose. I pushed his broad, muscled body away. I didn't need his distraction right now. Although if someone gave me the option of Capture the Flag or being with Will, you have a pretty good idea what I would say.

"Damn it, Will," I growled. "Do you know how noticeable this is? What if I'm out grocery shopping, and a little old lady runs away from the giant purple hickey on my neck? Imagine the embarrassment!"

Will pulled me in to him, despite my struggles to get away. He was still stronger, even after my surprising muscle development. "I would say 'Good, stop looking at my boyfriend'".

This caused a little swell of emotion in my heart. I reached up to kiss him, my hands reaching up and sliding under his shirt, fingering his obvious abs.

Will pulled me closer, his lips furiously pressed against mine. He backed me up into a tree (of all things), hungrily taking me in. His tongue was inside my mouth within moments, and I was desperate for more of him.

A small groan escaped the back of my throat as my desire built up, pulling Will closer until he was pressed up so hard against me, there wasn't any room to move. Even still, my hands were already half way from taking his shirt off.

"Solace! Di Angelo!" Clarisse yelled. "Nobody wants to see you swallow each other in public! Either take it to bed or suck it up and play the game like the rest of us!"

I blushed a light pink shade, annoyed at being called out like that, but also from being taken away from Will.

He laced his fingers in mine. "Come on, Nico, we can play next time," he deadpanned. I stared at him in obvious shock. Capture the Flag was his favorite game ever, and well... The other reason too.

"Was that just a sex offer?" I said a little too loudly, causing a few heads to turn in our direction. Annabeth was one of them, and her smirk was clearly evident. I shot her a one eyed glare, my other eye being blocked by Will.

Will laughed, throwing his head back. "Shit, Nico, way to be secretive." His hand squeezed mine gently, sending a shiver through my body.

I glanced at him seriously. "I would love to, except have you ever even considered protection?" I asked seriously. "We'll have to add condoms and lube to the shopping list next time someone goes out for food."

Will rolled his eyes. "Screw you, Di Angelo, you're going down in Capture the Flag tonight," he said, taking his hand away from mine and leaving me alone next to that tree.

"Down in bed," I muttered under my breath, before trudging off to get my war paint.

Author's Note

Oh snap Solangelo is getting intense.. sort of. Anyway, I just spent the last hour holed up in bed thinking of what to write for this, so enjoy!

*Feel free to vote or comment, and possibly continue reading if I wrote any more ->*

Much love,

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