Chapter 3: Suck it

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Disclaimer: All characters and the world of Percy Jackson belong to ingenious creature Rick Riordan. All the Greek mythology portions belong to the ancient Greeks and that lot.

Attached is a picture of the hella gorgeous Alexander Ludwig <3 He's portraying Will Solace in this story.


"Eat my ass!" Clarisse yelled, screaming daggers. "Eat my ass and suck my balls, and feast upon this badass!"

I mentally slammed my face into a tree at her words as she screeched at the opposing team, waving her electric spear wildly and yell in every single insult she could think of. Oh the joys.

And that person happened to be me. The joys of going against Clarrise in capture the flag were too numerous to count. It absolutely made my heart flutter with joy. Almost as much as Will.

"Damn you Clarisse," I growled back, expertly balancing my Stygian sword in my hand, smiling ever so cockily.

Angered, Clarisse charged at me, and I allowed myself a small laugh before easily dodging. Anger to fuel actions was the stupidest of them all, because it caused the person to think irrationally. Of course, Clarisse was still a formidable weapon even not thinking properly.

She was the head of the Ares cabin, God of war, and let me just say that a skinny boy with vague muscles and a sword didn't really stand much against a bunch of battle hungry blunt idiots. Almost as bad as the hot headed Apollo cabin. (See what I did there?)

Clarisse swung her spear hard and fast, arching through the air in a high and sizzling arc. I barely had time to parry her strike with my sword, except the electricity sent an electric bolt down my arm, temporarily paralyzingly my arm.

I hissed in annoyance as I slipped the sword from my right hand to my left. I was trained in both hands in case things like this happened, except that didn't mean I was actually "good" at using my left hand.


I ran. I turned tail and disappeared among the trees, blending in almost instantly from my camouflaged attire. I was leading her to run parallel in the direction of our flag, not knowing how exactly she thought.


After turning a sharp corner, I called upon the shadows to engulf me. I shadow traveled into the enemy territory, chuckling at the simplicity of it all.

But the shadow traveling had taken away a chunk of my energy, along with the previous running, and I was just looking for a moment to breathe. Silly Nico.

A force slammed into me from behind, and I was tackled to the ground and pinned in less than a second. Oh it was ironic all right, let me just say that much.

"Nico di Angelo," a voice purred in my ear. "Such a pleasant surprise." The figure nipped at the soft spot behind my ear, causing me to groan in desire and annoyance.

"Will Solace," I murmured back, looking at him with evident lust in my eyes, trying to lure him in.

He leaned down and roughly pressed his lips against mine while still managing to pin me down. I opened my mouth and welcomed him in, the wonderful taste of mint for some odd reason. I think he had a mint obsession.

Will pressed a kiss against my jawline, moving his hand to run his thumb across my cheek. This was my chance.

I swung my left fist up and caught him in the chin, whipping his head back. His body that was holding me in place instantly released, and I sprang to my feet in a desperate attempt to win glory for my team.

Before I had even ran twenty yards, I was tackled yet again. Curse his athletic sexy body and speed. Or maybe I just wasn't running to my full extent. He was faster than me and was going to overwhelm me eventually.. Might as well not try as much and let him do it quickly. But then again, maybe it was that lustful part of me that wanted him on me.

A rustle in the trees followed short after, and a pair of intricate blue eyes popped in front of me and Will. The ever flawless Jason Grace. His eyes flickered between the two of us, and I offered a weak smile.

"Don't worry boss," Will huffed, "I got this bitch under control. In fact, you don't even have to worry about him at all. He's my bitch now." Was I supposed to be insulted or complimented? He did say I was his..

"Just letting you know that Clarisse found the flag, and she's almost succeeded in bringing it back to our side," Jason said flatly, although casting a sly glance to me at the end. Afterwards, the little ass sauntered off to do who knows what.

"Bless the gods," Will said under his breath, wrapping his arms around me. "Now that the game's almost over and I've succeeded in beating you, I can go back to spending more time together."

My fingers grazed over Will's and I leaned back in his grasp. Will leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, except that's when I made a move and dug my elbow hard into his stomach, at which he doubled over and I ran for it.

I know I wasn't far from the border line because I didn't shadow travel very far. Within moments, I had located the sounds of whoops and sneers. Putting on a burst of speed, I headed off like a bullet in that direction.

Life is like a clementine, you know? You think it's all grand and majestic (like an orange), but in reality, it's just a simple tiny clementine. On the outside is all the pain and the rough skin. Once you dig your nail into the skin and rip away the hardships, you find yourself blessed with a wonderful clementine.

"AGAIN DI ANGELO, AGAIN?" Will bellowed after me, although I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was at least thirty yards away from me, which was a huge improvement over last time.

"Suck it!" I yelled back, never breaking pace.

"Damn right I will!" Will yelled back, his voice growing fainter and fainter by the second.

By the time I saw Clarisse, she was fifty yards away from the border, and my legs were aching from the effort they just took.

I ducked behind a tree for a fraction of a second to take a moment, before whipping out a spare knife I kept hidden within my jacket and armor at all times.

Without missing a beat, I darted out from behind the tree and threw the knife at the demon figure I saw running. It hit her straight in the shoulder, piercing the armor instead of what would have been her satisfying flesh.

I rushed forward and grabbed the flag while Clarisse was still trying to figure out what had just happened, and I sprinted as fast as my lanky legs would carry me.

"Di ANGELO!" Clarisse fumed, screaming after me.

"Love you too!" I yelled back, hearing a roar of fury in reply.

The people in my life were just so sweet, I didn't even understand how.

Author's Note

I wrote the majority of this on a van driving out to a math competition, and then finishing it up in my hotel room, so I apologize if it doesn't string together as nicely as it should have, but I will be editing it throughout the week.

What do you think so far? Do you like the Solangelo action? Thoughts on Clarisse?

*Feel free to vote or comment, and possibly continue reading if I wrote any more ->*

Much love,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2015 ⏰

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