Chapter 13: Revenant Revelations

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Rocky Gone Rogue

Hey guys, Charisma here! Only a couple hours after releasing chapter 2 of Quanta too! I just.......had an explosion of inspiration, and I needed to unclutter my mind. Having a week or so, living inside and almost never going out gives you lots of time to think, and that's why the second chapter of Quanta was my second longest chapter ever to date! I also had another reason; I'm trying to make my writing more like actual writing. Most writers think up the entire story, write it down on paper or something, chop it into chapters, and nitpick the details. Me? Oh, I just write on the fly. It's awful. I just.......write whatever comes to mind, and my fingers interpret it into a sentence that makes sense but still kinda sucks nonetheless. Lol. It's a terrible habit! And that's how I've been doing everything! It also kinda explains why i don't upload as much as everyone else: I don't have a clue when inspiration strikes! I just watched Ant-Man and the Wasp last night, and that got me into such an inspirational fervour I decided, "You know what? Screw Socials and Math class! Imma write a damn chapter!" So I did! Terrible! No real forethought whatsoever. The problem is I'm too lazy. Lol. Oh yeah, and no surprise, I'll be writing most of this chapter during Computer Science class. XD But, I digress. You don't need another terrible tirade of my feelings, so imma just let you read. Bye. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own PAW Patrol.

Chapter 13: Revenant Revelations

"W-What? How are you here, Rocky? You died! You can't be alive! W-where's my m-meds?" Angelica stuttered repeatedly, unable to process the fact that the pup who had died just earlier that day was now standing before her, perfectly healthy and no longer a werepup too. She just stumbled out of the bathroom, baffled by what she had just seen and thoroughly convinced she was seeing things. Rocky and Zuma chuckled and giggled and ran after her up, holding her. She struggled against their grasps, confused and angry that they'd dare refuse her her medications. "Get off me!" She yelled. "You're not real! Where's my Olanzapine?" Rocky laughed and got in front of her to look her in the eyes. "Angelica, come on. It's me, it's really me!" Angelica stopped for a second and stared at the mixed breed, hurting inside. This was the pup she wasn't able to save, the one she had let down. "N-No, you're not real. You're not real!" She began to struggle again, but Zuma held her fast, preventing her from taking medications she didn't need. That could be dangerous and harmful. "Look at me Angelica!" said Rocky, more sternly this time, and Angelica stopped struggling again as Rocky took his forepaws and cracked her face. "I'm really here! I know you can tell!" Angelica's eyes began to leak tears, and Rocky's face fell as he released her face as he saw she was crying. "Y-Y-You are real. Oh my Goodness! Oh......!" She sobbed as she fell into Rocky's chest, hiccuping and wailing like a little child as Rocky sat there astonished. Zuma chuckled, motioning for Rocky to hug her. Rocky looked confused, then got the message, hugging her as she continued to cry.

Piccolo could feel tears forming in his own eyes as he gazed on, as Rocky hugged his dear wife. He wiped his face, angel wings fluttering in sadness and love, as he longed to be with his wife once more. He knew that Rocky could no longer see him, and that hurt his heart even more. Rocky had been his gateway to seeing his wifi again, and though Rocky may remember seeing him in heaven, he might not remember it for long; that was something he didn't tell Rocky. That might have been catastrophic for a number of reasons. But it didn't matter now. His dear Angie was happy now, and he accepted that. He had to accept that he'd never see her again on Earth, like Rocky. He would only ever get to see her in heaven, many years from then. He sighed, and floated over to his dear wife, he still clung to Rocky, hugging him and saying sorry over and over. He touched her forehead, and she calmed down immediately, sighing into Rocky's chest as he stroked her head slowly to calm her. Piccolo went to Angelica's ear and whispered, "I will be with you alway, even unto the end of the world." And then, with a final goodbye kiss on her forehead, he ascended through the roof into the sky, up towards the Holy City, The New Jerusalem, to abide with the Lord forevermore.

"Keep going Rocky, I think it's working." whispered Zuma as Rocky continued to pet Angelica, who now almost looked like she was sleeping. Angelica even began to purr and snuggle up to Rocky, which made him blush intensely and Zuma to giggle. "She taking a fancy to you, Wocky?" he asked, giggling some more. "Oh, cut it out, Zuma!" Rocky whispered, cuffing Zuma playfully. Zuma chuckled. "There's another room here if you need one." "Zuma, stop it!" Rocky said, blushing harder now. "You're gonna wake her up!" Angelica opened her eyes, and looked up at Rocky, who was glaring at a laughing Chocolate Lab across from him. Neither one of the pups noticed until she shoved herself away from Rocky's chest, scaring the daylights out of both pups. Angelica began to cry, though very softly this time. Rocky was kind of disappointed that his comforting didn't have a lasting effect on her. "Rocky, I..........I...,don't...know what to say. I failed you. I let you die. How can you ever forgive me? How can I ever repay-" Rocky jumped over to her and hugged her tight again as she began to cry again. "You didn't fail me. God decided it was time to take me home. It was nothing of you, none of your fault. It was all the Father above. You don't need to repay me anything either, because you didn't do anything wrong to begin with."

Angelica cried some more, sniffed, and said, "Thank you, Rocky. I don't know what I would have done with myself if you hadn't come back to us." she shifted her gaze to behind Rocky's back, and the mixed breed stood up to look at whatever she had her stare fixed upon. And there lay Jax, sound asleep with a sad frown on his face. Angelica sniffed again. "He was so heartbroken when you left us. He didn't want to live. He felt like he had failed both you and his father. We all felt like we had failed you." She bowed her head in sadness, and even Zuma whimpered. Rocky felt his eyes now burn with tears, and he didn't try to fight them either. He cried, and Angelica and Zuma looked up in confusion and shock. Rocky never cried! Never! Zuma bounded over to him and held him close. "I guess now you need a hug, huh bud?" He said, and Rocky just nodded. Angelica looked on, smiling at the cute scene before her. Thinking then of her son, she walked over to him and gently shook him to wake him up.

"Wha-? What is it Mum?" He mumbled sleepily. Angelica now had tears in her eyes, and Jax noticed. He sat up, worried now. "Mum, what's wrong?" he asked. Angelica just looked behind her to Rocky, and Jax looked around her and instantly burst into tears upon seeing his mixed breed friend alive, there in front of him. He ran over to the ugging duo and held onto Rocky for dear life, vowing mentally never to let him go back to heaven before he did. "Jax! Oh my Goodness, I'm so sorry!" Rocky wailed, falling into each other's arms sobbing. Zuma hugged Rocky again, and Angelica hugged Jax, resulting in one big tender hug that could be described as a family hug.

Just then, they heard a knock on the door, and a muffled voice of a young boy say, "hey Angelica, are you okay? Can we come in?" Angelica sprang up, overjoyed they had returned. "Yes! Yes, Come in! Please!" She shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks as Ryder opened the door and he and the five PAW Patrol members walked slowly in, Chase holding the sunflower he had obtained. They all had their heads bowed down in sadness; well, all except for Ryder. He was staring at Rocky like he had three heads. "H-How..?" Ryder just stuttered. The other pups, now confused, looked up and all their jaws dropped in disbelief. Chase dropped his sunflower, and it fell to the floor with a splat of water. The soaking bunch all just stared at the mixed breed, eyes looking like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

Rocky cleared his throat. "Uhhhh.........Hi, guys." They just continued to stare until Chasespoke what was undoubtedly on everyone's minds. "R-R-ROCKY!? WHAT THE HELL!? But.....But...How?"

Rocky chuckled nervously, "Oh, ya know, just modified a Heavenly Portal device to return to a mortal state." Everyone, including Zuma and Angelica, now stared at him. They hadn't heard this piece of information. "But, you know, nothing special. Anyone could have done it."

Chase chuckled. "Rocky, you son of a gun." Everyone else laughed. The tension subsided, and everyone relaxed. Everyone was so excited and curious as to how on earth, or heaven, or whatever, how Rocky had managed to manipulate a Heavenly Portal to be able to reincarnate him. But then Rocky noticed something amiss, and while everyone was talking amongst themselves, Rocky spoke up and asked the one question most of those present didn't want to face.

"Where's Elef?"

A/N Done! Yay! And guess what, I wrote it using my horrible strategy! No surprises there though. XD Anyway, hope you like, please review, and.........bye! :]

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