25: Freedom Can Never Be Caged

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(Flashback to a few nights ago, Lancelot's P.O.V)

"Sir Lancelot. I've come with some intel that will prove advantageous in this war."

I knew it was Edgar that was approaching the door of my study, since he was the only lieutenant currently not engaged in battle that had no footsteps whatsoever. He'd been raised since birth to shine as the Brights' light-footed assassin. 


Except this time - his last step sounded out into the marble hallway.

"Tell me. And make it short." I snapped coldly. My patience was already growing quite thin - despite the midnight air that hung around us, there was much to be done still before daybreak.

"The Jack of Spades. His battalion is currently the smallest, meaning our best course of action is so annihalate his troupe first." I glanced over my shoulder at the Jack of Hearts with his coy, numb stare. He rose his hand to take off his hat, then run his fingers of his opposite hand through his light brown locks. 

A soft sigh befell his lips.

"It's only the smartest of moves. The youngest Clemence trains hard so he  doesn't withhold more troops from the other lieutenants.."

I didn't readily respond. Edgar Bright had always been cold and calculating.

But when the Jack of Hearts was the catalyst that had supposedly started this war, it was curious that all of a sudden, he was giving up his best friend.

In the blink of an eye, I whirled around fast, shooting sparks of Magic out of my fingertips and straight for my underling. Edgar barely flinched, throwing out his hand and swiping away the offensive mana with a single fleeting gesture - 


The attack careened into the corner of my study and blew open a gaping hole in the stone. Smoke and dust flew out from the blast, falling quietly along Edgar's pale skin.

We met eyes, staring eachother down.

So it is true. 

"I see even a flawless disguise like this truly cannot fool the great King of Hearts." 

The imposter snapped his fingers, and within an instant, the true appearance of the man was revealed. Dark hair, sinister eyes, and a suit and tailcoat fit for a butler.

"My name is Diedrich. The intel I am providing you will surely solidify your advantage over the Black Army in this war."

My jaw tensed, but I remained calm and distant as I observed the butler standing before me. Surely it was true then, that the Godspeed Family was rising in power, and using their ties with the Magic Tower and Mystic to manipulate the rest of Cradle.

....So this was the Edgar that attacked Sirius and started this war.

"You may be able to fool the single-minded lieutenants of the Black Army with your Magic tricks, but you will never fool me, butler." I hissed airily as I turned back to continue staring out the window of my study; gazing upon the full moon above.

"I don't need your petty strategies. What I choose to do with the Magic Tower is of my own accord. The Godspeed Family has no need to provide me with any favours." 

Mystic and the Godspeed's were surely loose cannons just trying to stir up trouble. I would have none of it.

To my surprise, the butler chuckled eerily in response.

The Noble: A Fenrir Godspeed X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now