2: A House by the Ocean

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I could feel a soft, gentle swaying in my body. My weight shifted from left, to right, to left...

Like the soft rocking of a mother, holding her child.

But suddenly, it stopped.


Now that the movements had ceased, only the calming waves of the ocean filled my ears. That, and the dull calling of a friend, somewhere far off in the distance...

Come on, breathe!

His voice was slowly getting louder. I wondered if he was searching for me. Maybe I was lost, somewhere on the edge of the shore, just waiting to be pulled back into the water.

After all, I already missed the waves as they rocked me to sleep.


My name rang audaciously loud in my ear. My chest lurched and I began coughing violently, ocean water spouting from my lungs and out of my mouth.

But I couldn't catch my breath.

In a panic I swung my hand to my chest, signalling I was choking. Fenrir was watching with wide eyes that suddenly grew wider as he understood.

I still couldn't breathe.

"J-just hold on!!"

Frantically he used one hand to pinch my nose shut and leant down over me, placing his lips on mine. He blew a deep breath into my lungs, attempting to force the water out of my chest. I writhed underneath him, struggling, feeling even more fear surge through me as I realised Fenrir was squeezing his eyes shut, and his hands were trembling.

...he was scared too.

He pulled back fast and began pumping by chest, counting the beats as he tried to push the water up and out. I wheezed breathlessly, my head throbbing as I did everything I possibly could to cough up the water.

"Ten, eleven, twelve--"

All of a sudden I started coughing again and upchucked the displaced water. Oxygen surged into my desperate lungs and I turned over onto my side, gasping as I desperately inhaled breaths of air.

...that..that was too close.

Fenrir, who had jumped back in a panic as soon as I started coughing, shuffled onto his knees to get closer to me. I could feel the relief in his touch as he gently rubbed my back.

"Thank goodness.."

I didn't dare move. My head was pounding, and I had a dull ache running up and down my one leg. My lungs were sore. My body felt like it had been run over by a truck.

"Hey... Kelly?"

I didn't readily respond.  I could feel my eyes already wavering as I laid on the shore. I'd almost drowned. My body was beyond exhausted.

"Hey---hey stay with me!"

Fenrirs voice was getting farther and farther away again. My center of gravity instantly shifted as he put his arm under my shoulders and lifted me up. My head lulled. I was already way beyond the point of no return.

"Hey! Stay awake! Kelly!!"

My eyes closed, then opened again. I couldn't speak, but I was trying my hardest to do what he asked.

But it was no use..

All of a sudden, everything went black.


The Noble: A Fenrir Godspeed X MC RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now