chapter 2

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   All 5 of us went to dinner at Ruth's Chris without Alex. I couldn't stop thinking about him and his smile. He was perfect to me and I didn't even know him. At some point i'm going to have to realize that I will never see him again.

    My father noticed that something was wrong and asked "Hunny, what's on your mind that is frustrating you?" I turned to look at him with my puppy dogs eyes and said "I somehow managed to fall in love with someone I barely know." Father looked at me with a puzzled faces thinking I was going mad. And I honestly feel like I am, knowing I love someone.

  I think the reason my father is so confused is that I have never been in love before.

     When I got home, I got ready for bed contemplating if I really liked him or not. I came to realization with myself that I can't and couldn't love Alex. It made no sense to love him or think of him ever again. As soon as I said that I simply removed him from my memory and went to sleep. But then as soon as I woke up I thought about him. I fell back in bed with my pillow over my face angry at myself. I knew he would be hard to get over and I had to think of a way to do it fast.

     I finally got up from bed and got ready for work. I work at a Strip Club, I know, I know real classy. But you know what, I make bank almost avery day. And I love my job so much because I get work with my best friends and dance my heart out. But the best part is that I get to feel like the hottest girl in the world and work with my confidence.

     Tonight was a rather slow night, then a group if 12 guys walked in. I moved slowly around my pole to try and see if knew any of them. There were cameras flashing outside of the club so it has to be someone popular. I see a familiar stank eye, and could tell right away who it was.

     As soon as I saw that sharp jaw line I knew it was Alex. My heart was racing and I was definitely looking flushed so I ran to the back. When I got back there I was sweating bullets and kept dabbing myself with napkins. My friend Estelle came rushing back to make sure I was okay. I nodded in disbelief and got back out on stage to preform.

    My dancing song Go Fuck Yourself started playing and I got into my zone. I knew I had to show off to try and get Alex's attention. We made eye contact and gave him a smirk followed by a lip bite. Money was showering upon me as I giggled in evil little way. My lipgloss was shimmering in the red spotlight. At that moment I knew I was the hottest bitch ever. When my song was over I made my way down to the rich men in chairs.

    A man sitting right next to Alex pointed to me and then to his lap. I followed orders and aggressively sat down to make his dick hard. This man was not as attractive as Alex and I could tell Alex was jealous. He was definitely staring me down mean mugging me in a jealous way. I felt bad but at same time didn't because I was horny for the man's immense dick I was grinding on.

    Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Alex was moving around in his seat a lot. He was definitely getting steaming hot and jealous. Then as I got up and grabbed his arm as he pushed me away and left the building. My heart sunk and I could tell I pissed him off. But then again I knew right the and there that he knew I was hot. Then I made my way to the back dressing room to get ready to head on home.

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