That time I became a villain... - Chap 5

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-1-month time skip-

Living in this new world has been nothing short of amazing so far. I'm living in mansions and can get basically whatever I want. Teleportation power is severely underrated. I'm still not sure why God made me a girl though. It's honestly bugging me to have to do my hair and clean it every day. Luckily for me, this universe has a popular video-sharing platform like YouTube so tutorials are really helpful. No way am I putting on makeup though.

I met Stain, or Chizome again and we exchanged contact information. He's a pretty stark contrast to his hero killing days that start a few years from now. I wonder if I should apply to UA and become a hero, but they probably wouldn't let me in since I've become a slightly known villain over the past month or so. The teleport villain: Rapid. I guess it's pretty easy to become well known as a villain if you just don't get caught. Well, it's pretty much impossible for me to be caught. I tested out my quirk and found out that I can teleport with certain things and leave others behind.

An example would be taking all my clothes with me when I teleport or leaving them behind and arriving at my destination naked. I can teleport about 80 Miles without too much exhaustion but farther than that it's pretty tiring. Too bad. I kind of wanted to travel all over the world, living in luxury. Guess I have to stay in Japan for now. I wonder if I'll get recruited by a villain group or something. It would be pretty fun if I joined one. Now that I've kind of maybe accidentally robbed a few stores I feel like I'm going to go down the villain route instead of becoming a hero. Too bad, it would have been fun but I think being a villain will be cool.

That's not to say I'm not taking my situation seriously. It's just fun to be really chill about my circumstances. Refreshing after the stuff I went through in my last life.

I smoke my cigarette. Maybe I should rob a bank. The idea sounds nice. Actually have a mansion with lots of money instead of living in empty houses. That's what I'm talking about.

I stroll around the city and look for a good bank. I find a large city bank building that seems like it holds lots of money. I put on my mask and start to walk in. "Hello, friends!" I call out. "This... is a robbery!" I announce cheerfully. Everyone looks at me. I realize I didn't bring any weapons and only know how to fight on the streets. Maybe I should have had a plan.

"Tell me where your vault is!" I declare. Security rushes over and tries to tackle me but misses. "That's the teleport villain: Rapid!" Someone shouts. "Yo! It's me." I say in my cutest girl voice and make a peace sign. I then teleport around the security guards while punching them. I then teleport to the back and find an area that leads to a safe. I teleport into the safe. "Yes! Jackpot!" I exclaim.

I realize I don't have a bag so I teleport to a clothing store across the street and grab a designer duffel bag and teleport back in. This ability is so useful, thank you, God.

I stuff all the money I can into the duffel bag and then start making a bed of money. If I'm touching all the money I can just bring it with me when I teleport. Suddenly the vault door swings open and a few guns are aimed at me. I make a peace sign. "I'm out!" I say and teleport back to my current house covered in money.

That was awesome.


I deposited the money into the bank account of one of my cards. It totaled about seventy-five grand. A far cry from the riches I thought I would end up with. There was more money left in the bank so I didn't get all of it, but still a pretty good haul all things considered with how easy it was.

Not enough to buy a mansion or even a house for that matter though. I wonder what I should spend all this money on. But for now, that will have to wait since there is a large dark fog appearing right next to me.

Out of the fog appears a man in a suit with fog for a head. I instantly recognize this as Kurogiri. But why is he coming to see me? I have a few ideas as to why. "Hello, Rapid. I am Kurogiri." He says politely. "Hey," I say curtly and continue looking at my phone. "If you would please give me your attention." He requests. I look over at him. "Do you need something?" I ask. "It is on behalf of my leader that I ask of you to join the League of Villains. Your power is very useful and would be a very good asset to us. "Sure," I respond shortly. "Call me if you need me," I add. "Would you like to come with me back to our headquarters? Just so you teleport there whenever." He offers. "Okay." I walk over to the dark fog and I suddenly am in the League of Villains base. "Thanks," I say, and teleport back to my house. Kurogiri's fog disappears from the room and I relax back on the couch.

Well, that's something that doesn't happen every day. I wonder how they found me. Though it's not like I'm in hiding or anything. It doesn't seem like it would be hard to find me know that I think about it. Not that I care either way. If someone finds me I'll just teleport to a new location.

I wonder what joining the League will amount to. I'm actually not sure what they did before the attack on USJ despite being a pretty big fan.

Oh well, guess I'll find out.

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