You and Ed just got back from a restaurant called "Shreks Diner" it was so lovely he is such a gentleman.
Y'all get back and go into the bedroom.
He pins you to the wall and whispers in your ear "Edy is feeling a little freaky" his breath is so fucking hot but you don't mind.
You grab his shirt and lean him in for a kiss.
The kiss was so rough and sloppy.
You take off your shirt and choke him with it.
while you're choking him You grab his dick and bite it off with your bare teeth.
she screams in pain but the sound of his scream makes you horny.
Blood is gushing from his ripped off penis.he dies
You take his money and run away.
This was your plan all along while you are driving you start laughing and go in your pocket and take out the piece of the left over penis you kept for later and start chomping on it."God damn this shit taste like ass"
you get shot
The end
how did y'all like my first story no hate plsss🥺🥺🥺☺️☺️☺️
should i make more??🤔🤔🤔 let me know 😁😁