The end??

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All you could see was blackness. Nothing else

You say thinking to yourself "did i really die?"

You wake up.......


He says "Hello luv".

You're in complete shock you don't remember anything.

"h-h-h-h-h-hi" You say awkwardly.

"No need to be scared kitten😈" Harry says.

You were feeling scared,horny,mad,sad,confused,more horny. Every emotion you could possibly think of.

He starts walking towards the bed.


and closer

and closer

And then he grabs your face kissing you very roughly.

You start kissing him back. His tongue touches your lips and then you open them. Yalls tongues were basically doing the Congo.

Yall make out fot about half a hour then you finally break the kiss.

Yall stare into each others eyes what seemed like hours but then out if nowhere a Dinosaur breaks into the house.

The Dinosaur eats harry and then it eats you.

The end.

How did yall like my story???🥺🥺🥺 worked very hard on it😁😁💖

ED SHEERAN (SMUT!!⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now