Chapter 2

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            Sean, after the memory, quickly stands up as he sees a familiar figure lying among the dead bodies that are a few meters away. He's running with tears on his face. Hoping with clear desperation that the body he will see is not dead.

             His shoes, slippery with blood and loose, gave way to the sheer grief that came from Sean. He flew forward. Red-stained hands cradling the tiny face of his flickering last light.
             His son was alive, but he knew it wouldn't last long. There's a heavy feeling of dread now that's hanging on his body. 'I can't escape this...' he thought as he cradled his son. "Dad." He hears his son calling to him with glistening eyes.
             It hurt him to speak, but Xavi turned his head, fighting past the pain of the touch. Sean pulled him closer as he ignored the number of tears that streamed down his chin. Xavi then took his final, painful gasp, and dies.

             Sean lightly places him on the ground and stands up to gather all the corpses in a straight line. He doesn't want to leave them sprawled on the ground before he leaves. As he places all of them in a line, he wipes their bloodied faces with the back of his right sleeve. Before he turns to leave, he goes to his son and hugs him one last time before going to the battlefield.

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