Chapter 4

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Sorry this has taken so long :/ To be honest I feel like im talking to myself as anyone who was reading probably gave up on us as we haven't updated for about a month :( Sorry again.

Iszy xxx

Franks POV

The rest of the week flew by so quickly and it was Friday before I knew it. I was thinking about how close me and Gerard had become in such a short space of time.


"er... Yeah what?" It was Gerard

"I've been calling your name for the last 5 mins"

"Oh right, sorry I was just thinking" about you, I added in my head.

"well when you're finished I was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out at my house after school the others are coming too"

"yeah that would be cool!!"

He started walking off. Mmm he has a hot butt. He'd turned around while I was staring at him, I blushed as I noticed

"like what you see" he said winking and I turned even more red!

At the end of the day I couldn't find Gerard anywhere. I saw Ray and I ran over.

"Have you seen Gerard anywhere? He invited me over but I don't know his address"

"oh well I can give you that" and he quickly scribbled it down on a bit of paper "so I'll see you there" he said and jumped in his car.

"Bye" I shouted as he drove off.

I was about to pull out of carpark when someone opened the car door and hopped in.

"What- oh hi Ger!"

"sorry didn't mean to shock you just thought you might want directions to my house. Since you don't actually know the address" I then proceeded to recite his address to him while secretly reading it off the piece of paper that Ray had given me!

"how, what.......STALKER!!" he exclaimed

"no, Ray gave it to me since I couldn't find you anywhere" I said waving the bit of paper infront of his face.

"sorreh" he apologised giving me the most adorable puppy eyes ever!!!

"It's fine" I sighed "come on let's go"

------15 mins later-----

"Nice house" I said as we pulled up to a modern looking 3 story house!!

"Thanks" Gerard replied he hopped out of the car and around the other side; before I knew it he was dragging me out of the car and over to a side door.

"we stay in the basement cause it's got the projector and suround sound in; it's like a home cinema" he explained to me "it also has the guest room" he pulled a key out of his pocket and let us in.

The others were already there and were discussing movie choices

"rom-com or thriller Frank??" Mikey yelled at me. Without a moments hesitation I yelled back

"Thriller every time!"

"Good choice" Gerard whispered in my ear. I walked into the TV room and bounded straight onto the beanbag!

"oh no you can't sit on that" Bob informed me "that's Gerards beanbag"

"AND" I said exasperatly

"He always sits on it" the others nodded in agreement. Just then Gerard walked in he chucked me a beer before doing a double take

"that's my beanbag" he spluttered

"so I've been told... but what's your point"

"I always sit on it"

"Not today" he looked shocked for a couple of moments before regaining his composure

"ok then" throughout this exchange the others had been giving me I-told-you-so looks but now they all looked completly shocked. Gerard exused himself saying "I'll be back in a minute" as soon as he left the others exploded (not literally!)

"how did you do that?"

"he must like you a lot"

"I bet he's plotting something right now for revenge"

Gerard re-entered the room and silence fell

"so have you chosen a film then" he asked

"not quite we're deciding between Love Actually and Town" Gerard nodded and started walking towards me he then picked a cushion up of the sofa and put it on my lap.

"Ger what are you doi-oaph!" I exclaimed as Gerard sat on me.

"I told you he was plotting revenge!" said Mikey

"get off me" I said into Gerard's shirt but it came out all muffled I tried to shove him of but he was stronger than me so I just ended up exhasting myself.

"urgh you're so fat Gerard!"

"ha" he snorted in derision "well you stole my beanbag. If you give it back I'll get off you" I could tell he was seeing if I'd cave in.

"No way, Way" I replied

"suit yourself" he said before wriggling around and settling down for the film. Mikey slotted in the DVD and as the film started.

I decided to make this as uncomfortable for Gerard as possible!!

Gerards POV

God this movie is confusing why are they putting the hostage on the beach. Wait now that guys fallen in love with the hostage. I give up. It's just too confusing.

Wait is that a spider on my leg. No it's to big for a spider. I looked down. Frank had his hand on my leg. What's he doing. Ah well I'll just ignore it- woah now he's running his hand up and down my leg. What's he doing to my neck is that his TOUNGE. Eww. I turned round and he stopped and gave me an evil grin. Well, I thought two can play at that game. I smiled to myself as I slowly started running my hand up and down his leg. I felt his body seize up under mine. Hehehe he was not expecting that.

Suddenly the lights were switched on and Frank and I jumped so high.

"Opps sorry" said Bob "I must have lent on the switch" he quickly turned them back off again. Thanks to Bob Frank decided to stop. I was now even more confused at what was going on in the film.

Yeah I know this chapter is a bit odd but we wanted to get a bit of Frerard in there!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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