Part-4 (The Escape)

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At 8 amI woke up with so much headache

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At 8 am
I woke up with so much headache....suddenly I heard a knock on the door and a woman came in.
??:Hi I am miss kang...I am Taehyung's  caretaker and maid of this house,miss get ready and have breakfast..

Y/n:No I am not hungry....pls tell me where I am?
Miss kang:but sir will get ang-
Y/n:I SAID I AM NOT HUNGRY!! (I shouted a little and the maid went out)

After 2 mins Taehyung slammed the door open and without saying anything he dragged me to the door, pushed me and pinned my hands beside my face.

Y/N:I-its hurting Taehyung.... ouch!(few more bangles cracked and I winched in pain )

AWAY!YOU UNDERSTAND? (after saying that he started kissing my neck hardly..i tried to push him but failed...after sometime he stopped )

Taehyung: This time it was just a time it will be the whole process..(he said with a creepy smirk.)
Y/n:I-i-i..... (I couldn't say anything except stuttering..just then he-)

Taehyung:Sshhhhh....go,get ready(he closed my mouth using his index finger.)(I ran to the bathroom and closed the door after he left...I was still processing, what just happened )

(And when I entered there a big washroom and a walk in closet...)

Y/n: y/n,y/n

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Y/n: y/n,y/n...think something..I have to escape from here otherwise my life will become HELLL!!
(I took warm bath and went to the closet,picked up my outfit and did a little makeup.)

(Luckily I had my phone so I called my boyfriend

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(Luckily I had my phone so I called my boyfriend...I didn't called my mom because she will get worried.)

Soobin:Hello baby...
Y/n:Hello....s-soobinie.. (I was crying)
Soobin: W-what happened baby??
Y/n:B-baby I am kidnapped..b-by the m-mafia k-kim t-taehyung..pls save me..
Soobin:Baby calm down...i will reach his mansion in a hour you be ready...ok?
Y/n:B-but how will I escape?
Soobin:Baby you are enough smart to just come out of the main will be me..
Y/n:o-ok baby.. (The call got cut)

(Just after a little the same maid came in and called me for breakfast.I nodded..)
I started coming downstairs..and everybody's attention was on me now.

There were seven handsome boys and a beautiful girl sitting on the dining table

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There were seven handsome boys and a beautiful girl sitting on the dining table....
Jin:Hello name is Kim can call me jin oppa.. come join us (He smiled to which i didn't returned.)
Jisoo:Hi dear...I am Kim Jisoo..their sister.. (She smiled..i fake smiled a little)

(I was taking out a seat which was a little far from taehyung's near jin oppa but then..)
Taehyung:Sit here.
(Without saying anything I took the seat beside him)
Jimin:So...what's your name?
Y/n: Kang Miso.... (I lied..because if I escape it will be easy for them to find me...i am smart..)

Rm:Hi this is Kim have this.. (He handed me the bowl which had ramen)
(I kept staring at the bowl..thinking it may have poison in it.)

Taehyung:There is no poison in can have this (He said with a stern face.I was shocked,can he hear me?I started eating and I coulde feel that someone was staring and saw Taehyung was staring at me and he licked his lips,which made me gulp and I looked down.)

(I was still thinking about an idea to escape just then..namjoon cleared his throat and said..)
Rm:Taehyung we need to have a's urgent (They started talking about a mafia was t-txt.yes..this is the name..i got an idea)
Taehyung:Okay we will have a meeting in 10 it?
All except Y/n:Yes!
Taehyung:And you go back to your room..(He said with a cold face.)
(I walked into my room and called soobin)

Y/n:Hey baby...they are going to have a's a good opportunity..where are you?
Soobin:I am already on my way,take your stuff and come!
(I took my phone,my purse and peeked through my door...they all were going into a room.)

(I slowly came out of my room and made my way into the hallway and then to the door..but i saw a few syringes on the nearby I grabbed them..and opened the door.)
Guards:U are not allowed to lea-(I inserted those syringes in there neck..they fainted I ran outside to the main gate..and was mesmerised by the luxurious mansion)

and was mesmerised by the luxurious mansion)

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And there were two more guards...but luckily soobin came and he punched them..and I got in the car..
Thanks for Reading...
Part-5 coming soon...

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