Part-13 (Truth Revealed)

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Exo mansion...
Chanyeol:Did you send the photos??
Sehun:Yeah...let the fun begin..
BTS Mansion...

Taehyung Pov
We all were searching for Misun..she was nowhere to be found...did she It can't be and if she did..she is going to be punished..*ding*soobin messaged me..did h-no It can't be.

I opened the message..I turned of someone...I can only see his back..kissing misun..she is crying...did she got r-raped...SOOOOBIN I AM COMING!!
Soobin Mansion...

Taehyung:Yyaaaah motherfucker come down right now!!!

Soobin:Hey!!Why are you shouting??I am here....Are you here to handover Misun to me...ok go ahead..
(Taehyung grabbed soobin's collar..harshly )

Tae:Shut Up....JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TELL ME WHERE IS MISUN??!!! (Now Soobin also grabbed Taehyung's collar...their members were trying to separate them but it is really hard...)

Soobin:What The Fuck are you saying...She was with you the whole time and you Are saying she is with me??I WILL KILL YOU IF SHE IS HARMED IN ANY WAY.
TAEHYUNG....(Tae takes out his phone and shows it to Soobin..)

Tae:Then what the fuck is this?? (Soobin's eye widened..he took out his phone and showed it to taehyung)
Soobin:See it is not me...I just bought a new phone today..because my phone was nowhere to be found.

Jin:Then Who is it??

Taehyung:Soobin You Don't believe us right...You never believed us...Today you will..Let's Go To Exo mansion...
Meanwhile Exo Mansion....

Misun Pov
I was just hoping that Taehyung will rescue me...I hated mafias....but I am getting involved with every fucking What a luck!!I was realising that I really wanted Taehyung..right now.

I was getting dizzy just by the view of my surroundings..and everytime Sehun entered here he would throw a bloody body or head in front of me...I screamed but he was unbothered...This time they both entered. look really scared what happened are you feeling hot in here...
Sehun:Hmmm....we have a solution for that..Miss Kang..

(It wasn't hot in was cold as hell...but I could tolerate that much but what they did next was shocking.

They spilled two Buckets of chilled water on me...I was shivering really bad..I was feeling frozed.)

Sehun:Now let me tell you a story....
By this time Taehyung might have got your video.

He went to soobin's mansion and ofcourse there will be a war going on there right now...but don't worry...there will be only a little number of bodies...dead bodies...2 of them will be of your boyfriends...and then Exo will become no.1 with me as the mafia king..

Chanyeol:And I...will have you... (He said with a creepy smirk)

Misun:Shut the fuck up you Bastard!!Nothing like that will happen..Taehyung will come..and You will DIE!!BLOODY BASTARD!

(I felt a sting pain on my right cheek which made my head turn to left..he harshly grabbed my hairs and yanked me..)

Chanyeol:Shut up you bitch....Once everything turns good..I will fuck you to your death... (He glared at me and both went out...I was crying and I couldn't even move...I felt my body to be paralysed...and what I heard was a gunshot..followed by breathing hitched..The door slammed open..)
Who is it??
Is Misun in love with Taehyung??
What will be Soobin's next Step..??
Keep reading to find...
Soon going to end...pls vote and give feedbacks...

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