The Only Girl in the Band (1)

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My first story! I hope you all like it. please vote and comment if you do.


Chapter 1

Ah, yes. New school, new life.

I’ve always hated it when people say that. Why do people have to change schools? Why can’t we all just stay in the same school, and then go onto college and university with the same people?

Needless to say, I don’t like change.


I’ve never made friends easily. Well, even at my past school I had very few friends. Just one or two close ones.

And now they expect me to come here and start all over again?

But it’s okay. Starting from today, Kathryn Fuji is going to be bold.

Yeah, right. Who am I kidding?

I’ve always been a very shy person, never liked attracting any attention. I guess it also made it hard for me to find a lot of friends. I mean, I actually liked my shy and closed personality, and never bothered trying to change it. Until my parents told me I was coming to Dalton High, and that’s when I realized that I needed to make more friends. And that’s when I decided to break out of my shell, make more friends, and have fun.

Dalton High has not been fun whatsoever.

Until a few minutes ago, I was just sitting in the principal’s office, next to my Mom. The principal was going on about how much Dalton High cares for its new students, and how I’d feel so welcomed. Usually, I do listen to these speeches, but at that time I was just overcome with nervousness.

A new school does that to you.

“Miss Fuji,” the principal said, “I hope you enjoy your time at Dalton High.”

“Thank you,” I managed to say. “I’m sure I will.”

So far, I haven’t. At all.

I know where all my classes are—I actually have a map—but I just don’t know anybody. They’re just passing on by, and I don’t have any excuse to talk to anybody.

And it’s not like anybody wants to talk to me.

So I was forced to just wander aimlessly until my first class begins.

I was tempted to take out my phone and listen to music, but decided against it. It would do me no good to shut out my surroundings. I do that too often.

Music is practically my life. Really. I guess that’s why having only a few friends never bothered me. I was too busy singing along to my favorite rock bands.

I loved rock. Bands like Simple Plan and Fall Out Boy were my life.

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