Waking up next to him?

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You cuddle more into Stefan’s side of the bed not wanting to get up. It feels cold, and you know that he’s most likely up already. You suddenly feel a hand touch your cheek and you cuddle yourself more into the bed. “You have to get up at some point love.” He says as he kisses your cheek and moves your hair off your face.

“Hush I don’t want to ruin this quite morning by waking up.” You say keeping your eyes shut, and pulling the blankets over your head. When you pick up the scent of chocolate chip pancakes, with whipped cream and strawberries, along with your hazelnut coffee. 

“And’s why’s that?” sounding amused

“Well maybe because your brother and Elena were having too much fun last night.”  He laughs and you open your eyes and smack him across his chest. “It’s not funny!”  I could have lived my eternity not hearing that!” he keeps laughing and shakes his head.

“Here I made you breakfast.” He says as he hand you the breakfast tray and sits it down in front of you as you sit up in bed.

You pick up your coffee and take a drink. “Now what’s all this for?” you ask as you start eating your pancakes. 

“Well you can take this as a ‘I’m sorry my brother and our friend had loud sex while, two vampires, were also in the same house.” 

You smile and you kiss his cheek. “Well I have to say that I love your apology. I have to say that I’m lucky to have you in my life.” you say with a smile.

 “Yes you are, but I think I’m the lucky one. Yet I believe the only reason your with me is because of my cooking.” He says with a playful smile

“Well the way into my heart is through my stomach.” you say as you kiss him. You hand him the tray and say well I would love to keep talking but I have to get ready.” He takes the tray and you get up from the bed and get the towel on your way to the bathroom.

You open the door to the bathroom door and shut behind you as you walk to the shower. You turn the water on and grab your shampoo and conditioner from under the sink and put it in the shower. 

Once your down you pull the towel around you and start to get ready for your day. This had to be one of the best summers you have had. Stefan he makes you feel loved and cherished. He makes you feel like never before. He makes you happy, and he makes you feel like nothing/nobody else in this world. You finish up and get out of the bathroom. You walk over to the dresser and pull out some cloths. You put them on and walk down the stairs.

You stop dead in your tracks as you see the sight before you. "Wasn't last night enough?" Damon and Elena pull away and look behind them.

"Why did you have to walk in?" Damon asks as he leans his back on the couch
"Who exactly did you expect anyone to walk in?" You ask as you cross your arms. "Your making out with your girlfriend in the living room of all places. You live with your brother, and may I add you know knew I was sleeping over. Plus, anyone can just walk in They don't exactly know how to knock remember." You shake your head

"Wait you heard us last night?" Elena asks

"Yes I'm pretty sure the town did, and I could've lived an eternity without having to hear the both of you having sex."

"Hey don't be jealous. I'm amazing in bed."

"There is nothing to be jealous of." You say with a smile and start walking into the kitchen.

Stefan has his back towards you as you walk up to him. You hug him from behind and he places his arms on yours as he turns around.

"What exactly did you walk into?"

"They were making out in your living room. Which is pretty disgusting may I add."

"We heard you!" We hear Damon call out

"Between us they looked like dogs in heat." You say quietly, knowing they probably heard you as well. 

"Hey it happens when you share a house a brother. " Stefan's says with a smile. "Now the dishes are washed. Did You pack?"

"Yes I did. Have you packed your things?" you ask

"Yes I think we are all set." He says as Elena and Damon walk into the kitchen.

"You see this is why your classified as the good brother." Damon says taking a seat on a chair.

There was a sudden awkward silence that suddenly over taken the room.

"What are your plans for the rest of the year? Now that we are out of school (Y/N)?"

"Well since I have many years  ahead of me thanks to Klaus. I'm going to wait on the whole college thing. For right now I want to travel and see what's outside in the world beside Mystic Falls." I say

"That sounds more fun then what I'm going to be doing" Damon mumbles.

"You guys know that Caroline and I are on our way to college. Your traveling (Y/N). How about you Stefan?"

"Well I believe it's time for me to live my life. So (Y/N) and myself are traveling."

"See why couldn't we do that?!" Damon exclaims

"Hey brother on the bright side you will have the house to yourself for when Elena comes back." Stefan says with a wink.

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