you're beautiful

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Warnings:body insecurities, slight NSFW
Stefan salvatore x reader

           Y/N pov

Baby!” Stefan called from the living room. I groaned and looked up from the book I was reading. “Stef, you know I have a huge test tomorrow!” I shouted as I closed the book. “But I’m more important,” he responded as I walked into the room. “So, I got us a Polaroid camera,” Stefan said smiling widely.

I stared at him blankly for a moment. “You did what?” I asked. “Pictures! Now!” he demanded. “Babe, I would love to but I have to study.” I sighed as I turned on my heel and started to walk back to our shared room. Stefan grabbed my wrist and spun me around. “No. Pictures.” he growled, his dominant side coming out.

“Fine, three pictures then I have to get back to work,” I said giving in. He nodded and stood there for a moment. One of the perks of having your boyfriend turn you into a vampire is being able to read minds. “No!” I said sternly as I read his mind. “Please,” he whined and did a puppy dog face.

“No!” I say rising my voice. “Why?” he asks now raising his. One thing you must understand about Stefan is that once he has an idea in his head, he will do everything in his power to fulfill his desire. I could tell he was trying to read my mind but I was blocking him out. That was one power I had that Stefan didn’t possess. I had the power to keep my thoughts hidden. It’s a pretty special power that very few vampires have.

“Baby,” Stefan whispered putting down the camera. He slowly backed me against the wall. One thing led to another and my shirt was off. He kissed me slowly and with passion. The kind of passion only vampires can have when they have truly found their soul mate. His finger tips went trailed lightly up and down my sides.

Out of no where Stefan tickles my sides. As I start to laugh, Stefan uses his vampire super speed to go get the camera. He quickly snaps a picture and as I calm down I realize what he did. “I hate you!” I yell and grab my shirt. “(y/n) wait!” Stefan says. I roll my eyes as I put on my shirt. “Will you sop trying to read my mind? I’m uncomfortable with my body. I’m not curvy and I’m fat. I eat to much and I have scars from surgery because I got really sick as a child!” I scream. His eyes widen in terror and I look down. “See, I knew even you would agree I was ugly.”

I walked back to our room and shut and locked the door. Stefan started to bang on the door. “(y/n), let me in!” he said. When I ignore him he kicked down the door. He walked over me and using his speed he quickly ripped all my clothes off. “I’m gonna make you feel beautiful because you are.”

Sorry if bad and I'll post a lot this week cos no school

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