Ch.57 Honey Roasted Ham

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Chapter 57: Honey Roasted Ham

With the XiQin restaurant's construction finally complete, the designer, Xiao Liu, was burning with anxiety to settle the contract and wrap up this project.

On the day the rebuilding was complete, when he would have his final discussion with his client, Xiao Liu didn't even see Lin ShuYi's face, but rather took an opportunity when Lin ShuYi was away from the site to give him a call.

"Well... now that everything's finished, and since you came to take a look in the morning, are there any last requests? Anything you're dissatisfied with?"

Lin ShuYi thought about it. When he went to take a look in the morning, there wasn't anything he didn't like. In fact, he liked the design very much. Despite the designer's young age, he really was famous in the design world for a reason. It seemed as if he understood Lin ShuYi's mind perfectly, knowing exactly what he wanted out of the restaurant's redesign.

"There's isn't anything. Everything's good, I'm very satisfied." Lin ShuYi took a drink of water, and lowered his voice a bit.

Shen Fu was lying beside him, eyes closed and presumably asleep. Lin ShuYi didn't know what Shen Fu was busy with all night last night, on his phone until well past midnight. He made several hushed calls that Lin ShuYi didn't hear clearly and didn't ask about.

In the morning, when Lin ShuYi was trying to sneak out, he unexpectedly woke Shen Fu up. And, upon hearing that Lin ShuYi was headed to the restaurant, Shen Fu got dressed sleepily and insisted on going with him. As soon as they got back, however, Shen Fu collapsed on the couch, eyes closed before he even hit the cushions.

Hearing that Lin ShuYi was satisfied with his work, Xiao Liu left go of a held breath and said, "Then, if there aren't any issues, I'll be leaving with the crew. Over half of the money has been paid already, so just forward the rest to my account."

Before Xiao Liu began this project, all the financial details were discussed well in advanced. Excluding any money required for materials in the reconstruction, only two thirds of the total sum was paid in the beginning, the rest was to be paid when he completed his work.

This was, of course, just how hired work went. Money paid, and the professionals moved on. But thinking about it, Lin ShuYi still couldn't just let the designer and the crew go without at least saying goodbye in person. Quietly, he put the cup in his hand down, and asked, "Have you left the site yet?"

On the other end, Xiao Liu shouted a few orders in the background, before replying to Lin ShuYi's question, "Not yet, aren't I still settling the details with you? I could only leave if my clients are satisfied with my work."

Lin ShuYi nodded. "That's good then. I'm at home right now, but I'll be over there immediately. Please wait a few minutes for me."

As Lin ShuYi spoke on the phone, he made his way outside the room to go grab his jacket. The weather was getting colder now, and the temperature difference between inside and outside was getting pretty significant. Going outside without a jacket now would chill anyone to their bones.

When Xiao Liu heard that Lin ShuYi was coming over, his voice suddenly rose several degrees. "That, That, d-don't come over here!"

Belatedly, Xiao Liu realised how rude he must have sounded, so he took a deep breath to calm himself and amended, "Grandfather Yang is already here, so you don't need to come. We'll just settle a few things and I'll be on my way, there's no need for you to trouble yourself coming all the way over here."

Lin ShuYi paused with one hand on the front door's handle. As if fearing that Lin ShuYi wouldn't believe him, on the other end of the line Xiao Liu could be heard calling Old Man Y over in the background, and then old man Yang's voice came through the phone. "Hello? Xiao Yi?"

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