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Ann's POV

I never expected myself to share my past with anyone. We were walking on the pavement opposite to the office. We were done drinking our beverages.

Ethan's POV

Listening to her past, sent chills down my spine. A thin stream of tears trickled down her cheek from one of her eye when she revealed her dad's death and her assault. I hooked my arm round her shoulder and pulled her close to me and kissed her hairline. Her head perfectly rested on my chest. Rather than pulling away she stuck her head on my chest and whimpered. Her brother is a great brother. She suddenly pulled away, wiping off the tears from her face.

"I'm...I'm sorry!" She continued wiping her tears.

"It's completely alright," I offered her my handkerchief.

"Look, you don't have to be so strong all the time." I continued as she was busy wiping her tears with my hanky.

She half smiled and nodded. I returned the smile.

"What about your mother?" Now my questionnaire begins.

"Huh?" She frowned.

"What about your mother, you never mentioned anything about her." My mother's face flashes in my mind.

"Umm...she passed away when I was ten months or so; due to pneumonia." The words left her mouth too casually.

"Don't miss her?" I smiled but raised a brow.

"Not more than dad. Well, actually I don't really remember her." She said it in the same tone.

"Oh!" I rested my brow.

"Yeah, in fact I am named after her." There was a twinkle in her eye.

"Nice!" I didn't how else to react.

"What happened with that asshole later?" There comes my second question.

"He's dead." She mumbled.

"How?" I bent my head a bit in search of her eyes.

"I, along with Derek killed him." She mumbled again.

I let out a laugh but she didn't, rather she frowned. Fuck!! She's serious!!

She sighed, "I filed a case against him in the court. After a few trials, it was said that he'd be behind the bars for the rest of his life. But then, he bribed his lawyers and he was set free. And...Derek and I planned to kill him." Damn!!

"And yo-" She cut me short.

"We killed him." What the hell? Really?!!

I'm talking with a criminal. Wait, I kissed a murderer. Shit!

Suddenly, I stepped back which made her frown. Again.

"You never got caught." I frowned.

"No. Well, Derek invited him to our house for dinner. I had secretly added poison in his food which reacted after two weeks.  It resulted in a natural death. Chill! I won't hurt you unless you screw me." She placed her hand on my shoulder.

Wow! Both the siblings are criminals.

I know I need to talk but, my mouth was completely dry.

"Look," She kept her voice low.

"Look!" But that wasn't for a long while. I looked at her. Into her eyes.

"I never make the first move, okay!" She tightened her grip on my shoulder.

"Oh, you do!!" I smirked. Don't know why did I do it.

If I look at the murder from her perspective, she's right.

She frowned at my sentence. I pouted and then licked my lips and she rolled her eyes and I laughed.

We had reached the bus stand and some shit strikes my insanely insane mind.

"So there's crime in blood, huh?!" I grin.

"Can say so!" She joins in.

Suddenly our hands brushed against each other but, as I was about to pull away she gripped on to it and held it tightly. I lightly rubbed my thumb against her knuckles. She smiled at my movement. I smiled back at her and then half lifted her arm and brought our locked palms near to my lips and softly kissed it.

"Hey, why don't you visit my place tonight; anyways it's too dark now." Damn...I hope she agrees.

She shook her head and smiled. Why!! Whatever! I tightened my grip on her and pulled her hard towards me. She lifted her head and looked at me and pouted. I didn't let any stone unturned. I quickly pressed my lips against her. And then sucked her upper lip. She placed her hand on my chest. Damn...!

Ann's POV

The kiss was so passionate. He just knows when I need it. I lightly bit his lower lip and sucked it. After a moment we pulled away and he licked and smacked his lips and I just laughed.

"Want a drive?" He tucked one of my hair strand behind my ear.

"No, not today, thanks though!" I smiled.

He frowned and pouted and I laughed.

We walked for a while and then I caught a cab and went home. Soon as I entered my house Eva was sitting on the couch and soon as our eyes met a wide smile was formed on our pretty faces. She flew from the couch and locked her arms at the back of my neck.

"Ahh..I've missed you so much." She mumbled.

Ethan's words replayed in my mind but I just ignored it.

"Missed you too." And hugged her back.

She pulled away and wiped the hair from her face. The smile was still pasted on her face. It was a natural smile. Excitement was clear in her eyes but I couldn't read her mind or get to know the reason behind the excitement.

"Have something for you." Ahh...guessed it right! Now say what's it.

Rather than uttering anything, she walked towards the couch and smiled at the seat. I frowned at her gesture. She looked at me and whistled. Is she alright?! Soon as she whistled a dog jumped from the couch and walked towards her. I myself, jumped back due to fright. But then, after understanding the situation I again jumped.

But this time out of joy. I dropped my stuff there and kicked my shoes out of my feet and ran towards the furball and ran my fingers through his soft hair. It climbed on my lap and licked all my face. It just got me joy.

I felt that after narrating my past to anyone, I'll be accompanied by my father's and Marcus' spirits. But this was so damn unexpected.

Author's Note:3

Wow!! A new member has entered. Isn't Eva a great friend? I wish I had a dog!! Oh wait before that, Ann's a criminal and now she's a lawyer. What a fate!! Would Derek be caught for the same issue? Or is there something else. And yea, please don't forget to vote. Thank you so much for all your love n support=)

À Bientôt;D

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