⎯⎯ popped tarts

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resurrection dreams ; chapter two

"Дорогой, you ready?" Ms. Romanoff asks after walking out of the elevator.

"Yeah, just wow. I have this entire floor to myself. This day seems so surreal, it's kinda freaky." I say and we walk into the elevator.

"Alright, pile in, people, we got a shopping spree to go on." Mr. Stark says.

"Can I play some music on the stereo?" I ask.

"Go ahead, Дорогой." Ms. Romanoff smiles. I grab the aux cord and plug it into my old iPod.

"Hang on, that's your phone?" Mr. Stark asks and I nod. "Kid, get ready to have your socks knocked off, cause I'll be right back." He says and gets out of the car.

"What's Tony doing?" Mr. Uncle Rhodey says.

"He's getting an invention that literally knocks socks off of feet." I reply.

"Nice job, Rae." Mr. Uncle Rhodey smiles and he high-fives me.

"Alright, Rae, first present of the day, you ready?" Mr. Stark asks with his hands behind his back.

"Is it gonna blow my face off?" I ask.

"No! Why would I give something like that to you?"

"Eh, you used to make bombs and stuff like that."

"Ok, happy Tuesday." Mr. Stark says and he hands me a rectangular box. I pull the lid off and it shows the latest Stark Phone.

"Whoa!" I shout. "This is mine?"

"All yours kid." Mr. Stark smiles.

"It's so fancy! Today is so amazing, I think I'm gonna explode!"

"Don't spill guts and brains all over us." Mr. Uncle Rhodey says.

"It's a figure of speech, but seriously, this is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much, Mr. Stark." I say.

"Well, if I'm gonna be taking care of you, you can't be walking around with that, it's basically a flip phone! We can set it up on the way to the mall."

"Don't we need internet for that?" I ask.

"Oh, I have a mini internet router in every car." Mr. Stark says nonchalantly.

"Really? Where is it?" I ask.

"It's below the middle bench seat. I wouldn't try to find it, you might get stepped on."

"Well, considering Mr. Rogers and Mr. Thor are super tall, I actually might." I chuckle.

"Don't fret, small Midguardian, I will not step on you." Mr. Thor says.

"That's reassuring." I remark.

"Buckle up everyone!" Ms. Pepper exclaims. I buckle my seatbelt and Mr. Uncle Happy drives.

"Alright, so press the power button." Mr. Stark tells me and I do as I'm told.

My new phone turns on.

"Now, you need to make a password. Birthdays are too easy, can't do 123, that stuff's child's play. Do you have a favorite number?"

"I don't get how people can have favorite numbers. It makes no sense!" I exclaim. Jeez this is hard. "Wait, you're Tony Stark, how have you not invented facial recognition or something like that?"

"Oh. Yeah, I forgot about that." He says. We go through the facial recognition process and soon, my phone is fully functional.

"Now I just have to put some phone numbers in here."

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