⎯⎯ the beginning of peace

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resurrection dreams ; chapter eleven

"Alright everyone. Ultron knows we're coming, so we'll be diving deep into heavy fire from the moment we approach Sokovian airspace. This is what we signed up for." Mr. Rogers says in a very patriotic manner.

"Actually, I didn't sign up for this, I signed up to have friends and not be homeless." I point out.

"The people of Sokovia, they didn't." Mr. Rogers continues. "Our priority is getting the Sokovians out of the country, or at least away from Ultron. He'll do anything to put an end to us, even if it means destroying Sokovia. Maximoffs, start on evac. Barton, Romanoff, I need you two on crowd control with the kids, people are gonna be flooding into the streets. The rest of us will fight the robots. We drop in two."

When we get down to the city, Pietro races to the police station and gets the police on the scene while Wanda and I work on luring citizens out of their homes. I reach into countless minds, and thousands of people file into the streets. I watch as people of all types roam through the streets. Men, women, children, families. I'm a long way from New York. We file people into secluded areas, keeping the citizens away from the country's capital. I hear some of Ultron's robots fly in, and I focus on trying to conjure a shield. A teal dome forms over us, and I send blasts of magic outside to try and shake them off our tail.

"Wanda, I could really use a bit of help right now!" I shout. She runs to my side, and she begins to send the robots flying. Pietro works on speeding groups of people farther away from the city, and I struggle to keep the shield up. More and more bots swarm around us, and Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanoff take notice.

"Anya, Wanda, go with the people, we got the bots." Ms. Romanoff says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, now go before something bad happens." Mr. Barton warns and I nod slightly. I pull the dome back, and the two Avengers are left to fight for themselves. My siblings and I continue to pull the people away, and explosions go left and right. Parts of the road begin to cave in, and I bring the people away from the edge. I can feel a massive energy surge, and I abandon the people in search of what's causing this. Whatever this is. Sokovia is flying upwards. The country has been uprooted, and it flies above the surrounding countries.

"Do you see the beauty of it?"

"You find beauty in citizens dying in the streets, being ripped from their homes only to be met with a fate worse that death? You've doomed the country, Ultron. We need peace, but destroying Sokovia will never bring peace. Killing innocents will never bring peace. You're just as bad as the people you're actively working against!" I shout, flying into the center of a church.

"Death is inevitable, Anya. You rise, only to fall. Humans are so poetic, they dedicate their lives to a cause, only to die, and leave all of their work behind for others to continue. Why? Why do humans slave away for something that they will never see to the end?"

"Because it gives the next generation something to live up to and something to improve upon so humanity can thrive. Each generation doing better than the last."

"But what is the best cause to leave behind?"

"A legacy. One of peace, hope, and happiness."

"That's what I'm trying to do here! You don't get it, you're just a kid!"

"And you're just a chunk of metal. So, how bout you call off your bots, and we can fix this chaos. Destroying Sokovia isn't getting you any points towards peace, Ultron."

"But destroying the Avengers will. If I destroy Sokovia, I destroy the Avengers and bring peace."

"I'm working towards peace without death, so that everyone can live a life of peace." I pause. "You know what? I'm done trying to argue with you. You want 'peace'? You gotta go through me first."

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