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Maybe this time, life will fall on the side of the dirty mistresses.

"What's wrong with you," says Mark, as he sits down next to Meredith at the bar.

"My mommy's a filthy whore, and I just saw my father for the first time in twenty years. And it didn't go well," says Meredith. "You?"

"Double scotch, single malt," Mark nods at the bartender. "I had a relationship with Addison. After Derek left, when we were in New York. And she hasn't told him," says Mark.

"Yeah, well, what did you do to mess that up?" Meredith accuses.

"I ah, I might have slept with a nurse when she thought we were together," says Mark.

"See, karma," says Meredith.

"Are you waiting for Derek?" says Mark.

"And you're waiting for Addison?" says Meredith, not answering Mark's question.

"Yes, I'm waiting for Addison. See, maybe this time, life will fall on the side of the dirty mistresses," says Mark.

"She won't show, you know. He's not a guy you leave if you can help it," Meredith frowns.

"So, what happens with your father huh?" says Mark.

"You really want to talk to me about my daddy issues?" Meredith sighs. "And stop grinning. That was not sexual, that's just weird Mark," says Meredith.

"My parents weren't really around much when I was a kid," says Mark. "If they were having affairs then I wouldn't know."

"My father abandoned me. I have abandonment issues," says Meredith.

"That's why you're taking it so hard that he's not showing up, huh," says Mark.

"Something like that," Meredith sighs.

"You're still in love with her?" Meredith asks Mark.

"And you're still in love with him?" Mark questions.

"If I were, my life would be a whole lot simpler," Meredith sighs.

"So what's really going on then?" asks Mark.

"I'm a filthy-er whore than my mother," says Meredith. "Lusting over a married man was bad enough. And then his wife shows up here, all leggy and fabulous, and I can't think when I'm around her," says Meredith. "She's just got this charm, y'know? And she's raising my dog," says Meredith.

"So you're in love with her," Mark smirks at her.

"Stop grinning like that. This is not good news for you, you know," says Meredith.

"And why not? Come on? Girl on girl, that's always good news," Mark smiles. "Never knew you had it in you. I like you already," Mark pats her on the shoulder.

"Stop that," says Meredith. "She's not gonna show anyway," says Meredith.

"You don't think she'll show up? What, for you? She might," says Meredith.

"I gave her my dog. That was my grand gesture. A dog, and that was partially selfish because my roommates were sick of him. And she hasn't noticed me. I almost blew up like four days ago. I had my hand on a bomb. And she hasn't said anything to me about it!" Meredith grumbles.

"She likes dogs," Mark smiles.

"What was she like, in New York?" Meredith asks him, and Mark tells her some stories, and Meredith listens intently.

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