Chapter 10. First kiss

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~Eren p.o.v.~
I wake up in a large, comfy, red silk bed. I look over to see Levi asleep beside me. God he looks so beautiful. I know we don't really know each other but I feel like I can tell him anything and be comfortable around him. Trust me, wolves have senses for these things. I cuddle closer to his chest and close my eyes. He wraps his arms around me and continues his slumber. I close my eyes and allow his heartbeat to lull me back to sleep.
Lips pressing roughly against mine. Chests exposed and hands roaming all over me. My eyes are closed in pure bliss. I open my eyes and Levi is down to his undergarments. He is slowly slipping mine off and telling me how important and loved I am. I tell him how loved and important he is also as he crawls back onto me, lips together once more. He pulls back and smirks.
"Get up dear. You need to eat."
He shakes me. I'm suddenly falling into darkness and when I reawaken into the light, Levi is hovering over me slightly shaking me telling me I need it eat. Shit he ruined my good dream.
"I know." I grumble out sitting straight up.
He smiles softly.
"Pouting even when I brought you breakfast in bed? Tch, what a shame." I look and see him holding a tray with Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, juice, and strawberries. I already love him.
"No no! I'm sorry Levi! I was just having a really good dream." I manage to say. He sits the tray In front of me and watches me eat until the plate is empty. He only brought pink and blueish berries to eat. I will not question the way a fairy eats cause he isn't questioning mine. He grabs my tray and leaves the room with it. Dear god that was fucking amazing. He walks back in and points towards a door.
"Washroom is over there and I've already put clothes in there for you." He walks towards me helping me out of bed and leading me towards the door. I quickly turn towards him and hug him before he can leave or protest.
"Thanks for taking care of me so well. I really appreciate it." I whisper in his ear.
"Your my mate and extremely important to me. Of course I'm going to take care of you dearest." He nibbles at my ear. I giggle and kisses him fully on the lips. Don't know why the hell I'm feeling to perky and happy go lucky right now. I love the way he calls me dear and dearest. I should call him something too. I am totally shocked when he starts fully kissing me back. He tastes so sweet. He licks my bottom lip and I quickly open up for him. Oh god don't let it stop. He, of course, Pulls back blushing worse than me if that's even possible.
"You need a bath dear and thanks for the surprise." I nod and shut the door. Little did I know what was really about to happen..

~Chapter 10. First kiss~
Complete! Sorry for the short chapter, it's late and I feel sick. Thanks for all the votes, comments, and readers! I hope to hear from all of you!!
Love y'all!
Chow ;)
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