Chapter 26 : Back to Hell :

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Todoroki's POV 

A slight tickle to my nose is what awakens me and at first I have no idea what that is going on. That is until I move slightly, to see Izu leaning on the top of my head, sleeping peacefully, his green locks falling onto my face intrusively yet welcomingly. My heart warms at the situation, I don't care about the context of how we ended up here, I let myself enjoy the moment for a second. Just me and him. In pure bliss. 

I look at the window in front of us, where it's as bright as the gates to the after life and I wonder what time it is. Trying not to move and wake the slumbering greenette, I reach for my phone to unlock it and see the time. 10:45. 

'Awww Fuck. 45 minutes.'

Reluctantly, I nudge Izu lightly, hoping not to hurt him more than he already is, but he doesn't even stir. How is this dude such a deep sleeper?

"Oi Izu? Wake up. We gotta get ready." I whisper softly, lightly shaking him, but he still doesn't wake up, "Izuuuuu, get uppp, we're going to be late." I complain, moving my head up so his head falls on his neck, yet somehow, he doesn't awake. "For fucks sake Midoriya, if you don't get up, I'll text Bakugo right now that you're here!" I say defiantly, shaking him a tiny bit more violently and rigorously than before,

"Hmmm?" the emerald-eyed male murmurs groggily, lifting his head up and rubbing his eyes to adjust himself to the light, "Wachu cay?" he asks,

"I said; if you don't get up, I'll text Bakugo right now that you're here" I repeat, stretching my arms and straightening my legs, 

"I fucking dare you." his voice is sweet yet so threatening making the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Note to self: never piss off a groggy Izuku Midoriya whose just woken up.

""Alright, okay, geez, now get up we have like 45 minutes to get ready, get all our shit for whatever classes we have today AND get our presentation to get to class on time." I rant, leaning forward and collecting all my books to put in a neat pile and putting my laptop in my laptop bag. Midoriya yawns lazily, stretching each of his muscles, 

"Ahhh fuck, I need a shower and all my tracksuits are in the wash from yesterday. I am screwed." he half laughs, as he stands up and grabs his shit, "I'll see ya in class yeah?" he smiles at me and walks towards the door, 

"Nahhh, wait for me outside of the door. I wanna walk with you." I smile back at him and for a moment a see a hint of worry and dread wash over his face but it falters within a millisecond. 

"Yeah sure." he opens the door, his backpack resting on his shoulder and smiles at me one last time before leaving. Yet it seems sad. And I don't know why.

After showering, cleaning my dorm and getting my shit for art and business; my two classes that I have today, I manage to be downstairs by the dorm doors for 11:15, only half an hour. Not bad. It's quite warm today, although there's an overcast hiding  the sun, allowing me to wear a black turtle neck and some jeans. I mean no matter how hot it is, I am always up for a turtle neck but its just a bit of  a nuisance to be slowly boiling underneath it. I just don't do well in hot situations. 

Mid- Izu takes a while to come down, and barely makes it down before twenty-five past, sweating and with a panicked look in his eyes. He's wearing a grey tracksuit, similar to the one he was wearing when I first met him. And he's wearing a look in his eyes, almost exactly the same as the one he was wearing when I first met him. 

"You alright?" I ask, as I start walking next to him, watching the greenette like a hawk.

"Hmmm?" he looks at me and shuffles his backpack to the other shoulder,

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