Chpt 12: I want the truth.

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I watch as Chachi comes in and starts pacing ... she isn't wearing a sweater and as i glance at her arms i see a mark...

"Why...?" i ask with my head held low.

"Wh-what?" she asks

"Why... why did you do it... why cut yourself? was it something i did? you don't need to move in with me if you are feeling pressured... we are young and i would love to live with you but i don't want you to feel pressured..." I start..

"I wouldn't give up moving in with you for the world it's just... an old .... friend... moved over here... So it's scaring me. There is some girl on twitter with a trending picture of you and her and i cant help but think.."

"You really think i'd cheat on you riley?" i ask shocked that i said Riley annd i could tell she was too. "Promise me one thing...." i start again as she looks up at me with hopeful eyes

"Yes babe?" she asks

"Will you stop... for me anyways..." i ask tears threatening to spill. She nods her head as i pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you." we say at the same time... i chuckle as i reply welcome and continue on with my video game.


It felt nice to get all of that off my chest .... i should probably ask to hang out with some friends... Im sure Cameron wont mind. I decide to just go see what Taylor is up to.

"Hey bro. Kinda lost touch a bit huh?" i say standing in his door frame.

"Yo sis. Come on in. Yeah i guess we did. What's up? Anything going on?" he aks as he sits on his bed continuing to flip through channels.

"Nothing really just wanted to see what's up with my older bro."

"Wanna go to the courts tomorrow? Carter really misses playing ball with us." he says smiling

"Yeah totally. Let's do it. What time?" i say

"Uhh around 3?"

"Yeah lets do it! i'll talk to you later imma take a nice long shower im beat."

"Okay later sis" he says as i wave leaving.

Promises Broken {Cameron Dallas}Where stories live. Discover now